NESCA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor Continuing Education for psychologists.

Seminars, Workshops & Events

Event: Teaching for Impact, Iowa Department of Education, “Transition Assessment – The Cornerstone of Transition Planning and Services”

Date: June 5, 2025

NESCA Presenter: Director of Transition Services Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS

Description: Transition assessment is the foundation of effective transition planning, guiding the development of measurable postsecondary goals and individualized services. This session will provide an overview of IDEA’s legal requirements, highlight key components of comprehensive transition assessments, and dive deeply into a range of formal and informal tools. Participants will learn how a multidisciplinary evaluation process supports data-driven decision-making and enhances student-centered IEPs. The session will also briefly touch on strategies for integrating assessment results into the IEP to improve compliance and student outcomes.

Event: Teaching for Impact, Iowa Department of Education, “From Dreams to Plans: Crafting Postsecondary Goals and IEPs That Align”

Date: June 5, 2025

NESCA Presenter: Director of Transition Services Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS

Description: Developing strong postsecondary goals is a critical step in preparing students for life after high school. In this session, participants will learn how to create meaningful and measurable postsecondary goals based on students’ dreams, strengths, interests, and preferences. In alignment with the SDI Framework for Secondary Transition, attendees will explore how to analyze transition assessment data to identify the services, supports, and instruction needed to help students progress toward their goals. The session will also cover strategies for aligning annual IEP goals with postsecondary expectations, ensuring students receive the necessary services to enhance success in their envisioned living, learning, and working environments.

Virtual Conference: 2025 FCSN’s Visions of Community, “Transition Planning for Students with Chronic Mental Health Challenges”

Date: March 8, 2025 from 1:00 to 2:15PM ET

NESCA Presenters: NESCA’s Director of Transition Services Kelley Challen, EdM, CAS


Navigating the transition to adulthood can be particularly tough for students grappling with chronic mental health challenges. For many, envisioning a bright future feels overwhelming, making effective transition assessment and planning both difficult and crucial. This workshop will provide practical strategies for conducting transition assessments tailored to the unique needs of students facing mental health hurdles.

Participants will learn how schools can utilize both traditional and innovative assessment methods that resonate with students and encourage their active participation in the process. The session will also cover essential skill development and resources that should be integrated into the transition planning process for these students. Most importantly, it will emphasize a shift from crisis management to proactive, strengths-based planning, ensuring that each student’s abilities, preferences, and interests guide their transition journey.

Attendees will gain insights into supporting these students in taking meaningful steps toward a successful future.

Objectives: Identify key components of transition assessment for students who are distressed or anxious and may not be able to engage with traditional testing: Attendees will learn practical strategies to ensure meaningful evaluations that accommodate the unique needs of students facing mental health challenges.

Understand the services, skill development, and linkages that are most critical for students with significant chronic mental health issues: Participants will gain insights into effective support systems that promote the success of these students in their transition planning.

To Register: 2025 Virtual Visions of Community Conference Registration

Online Panel Discussion: Launching Students Into College & Keeping Them There – College Supports That Work!

Date: February 27, 2025 from 7:00 to 8:30PM ET


College is a huge commitment of resources in terms of time as well as emotions and finances. For students who are neurodivergent or have learning disabilities/mental health issues, college is often an even larger endeavor. Moreover, data suggest that success rates are often poor for these students. While some colleges have their own autism or learning disability support programs, many do not. But that shouldn’t prevent a student with a disability from being able to access the college that best fits their learning and social interests. What range of supports are available for college students, especially those who struggle with executive functioning, social engagement, or self-advocacy? What programs already exist? How can students access these supports? Clinical psychologist and founder of Top College Consultants Eric Endlich, Ph.D., who has a proven track record of helping neurodivergent students worldwide make the transition to college, will moderate this online panel. Participants will learn from several expert organizations that offer college support to help students make the transition to college and help them thrive in college.

NESCA Presenters: Director of Transition Services Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, and Educational Counselor & executive Function Coach cational Counselor & Executive Function Coach Jasmine Badamo, MA

To Register:

Webinar: “Is Your 12th Grader Ready for College? How to Know and What to Do Next”

Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 from 11:00 AM ET – 12:00 PM ET

NESCA Presenters: NESCA’s Director of Transition Services Kelley Challen, EdM, CAS, and Transition Specialist & Psychoeducational Counselor Kristen Simon, MEd, EdS

Description: Join NESCA’s Director of Transition Services Kelley Challen, EdM, CAS, and Transition Specialist & Psychoeducational Counselor Kristen Simon, MEd, EdS, for a one-hour webinar where we’ll explore how to assess whether your 12th grader is truly ready for college or if they may benefit from a bridge step. We’ll discuss key skills for college success, including academic preparedness, executive function, self-advocacy, and more. Learn how to identify signs of college readiness—or hesitancy—and discover practical strategies to help your student transition smoothly. Whether your teen is headed straight to college or may need additional support, this session will provide valuable insights. Parents of younger students are also welcome, as the content can help families prepare their college-interested students through earlier skill-building and meaningful experiences.

To Register:

Webinar: “Transition Planning for Students on IEPs”

Hosted by: The Nashoba, Maynard, and Northborough/Southborough SEPACs (open to the public)

Date: October 30, 2024 at 6:30PM ET

NESCA Presenter: NESCA’s Director of Transition Services Kelley Challen, EdM, CAS

Description: The purpose of special education is not just to ensure students can access education, but also that students with disabilities are adequately prepared for independent living, community engagement, college and/or training, and employment when they leave public education. Join NESCA’s Director of Transition Services Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, to learn about IEP transition planning and the most important skills to develop while students are still in middle and high school. Participants will learn about key concepts for transition planning, including visioning and postsecondary goals, requirements for transition services, basics of transition assessment, and critical elements of an effective transition planning process. This workshop is especially relevant at this time as student involvement in transition planning and services are much more prominently featured in the new MA DESE IEP.

To Register:

Conference: Division of Career Development and Transition International Conference 2024 

Location: Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles, Chantilly, Virginia

Dates: October 16-19, 2024

NESCA Presenters: Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS and Tabitha Monahan, MA, CAGS, CRC

Presentation Details: 

10:20AM – 11:20AM / Grand Dominion 4 / Kelley Challen
“Transition Assessment and Planning for Students with Chronic Mental Health Challenges”

11:30AM – 12:30PM / Grand Dominion 5 / Tabitha Monahan
“Connecting Transition Assessment to Career Development”

3:00PM – 4:00PM / Grand Dominion 6 / Tabitha Monahan
“Making Your Voice Heard: Changing Policy & Advocating for the Transition Profession”

1:50PM – 2:50PM / Grand Dominion 3 / Tabitha Monahan
“Goal-Setting and Attainment Strategies for Transition-Aged Youth”

9:00AM – 9:50AM / Jefferson 1 / Kelley Challen
“Testing Outside the Box- Transition & Vocational Assessments for Nonverbal, Nonreading, and/or Hard-to-Test Students”

11:00AM – 11:50AM / Jefferson 4 / Tabitha Monahan
“Developing and Utilizing Self-Determination Skills”

Webinar: “From Struggle to Success: Real-life Stories of Executive Function Coaching”

Date: Thursday, October 24, 2024 from 1:00 – 2:00 PM ET

NESCA Presenter: Jasmine Badamo, MA, Executive Function Coach & Educational Counselor

Description: Join NESCA Executive Function Coach & Educational Counselor Jasmine Badamo, MA, for an enlightening and inspiring webinar, “From Struggle to Success: Real Life Stories of Executive Function Coaching,” where she delves into the transformative power of executive function coaching for children, adolescents, and young adults. This session will showcase compelling case studies of both student and parent/caregiver coaching, highlighting the journeys of students who have overcome significant challenges to achieve academic and personal success. During this webinar, you will:

• Discover the key components of effective executive function coaching and how it can be tailored to individual needs.

• Explore specific strategies and interventions that have proven successful in enhancing children’s organizational, time management, and self-regulation skills.

• Learn from an expert coach who will share her insights on fostering resilience and independence in students.

• Participate in a Q&A session to address your questions and gain practical advice for supporting executive function development in children.

Whether you are a parent, educator, or professional working with children, this webinar will provide valuable insights and practical tools to help you support the executive function development of the young people in your life. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from real-life success stories and gain inspiration.

To Register:

Webinar: “Supporting Your Child’s Executive Function Development”

Date: Thursday, August 22, 2024 from 1:00 – 2:00 PM ET

NESCA Presenter: Jasmine Badamo, MA, Executive Function Coach & Educational Counselor

Description: Join NESCA executive function coach Jasmine Badamo, MA, for an informative and practical workshop, “Supporting Your Child’s Executive Function Development,” designed to equip parents and caregivers with the knowledge and tools to nurture essential executive function skills in their children. This webinar will provide a deep dive into the foundational aspects of executive function and offer actionable strategies to support your child’s growth in these critical areas. During this workshop, you will:

• Gain a comprehensive understanding of executive function and its importance in your child’s academic and personal success.

• Learn about the various components of executive function, including organization, time management, planning, and self-regulation. Understand common challenges children face with executive function at different ages.

• Explore evidence-based strategies and techniques to enhance your child’s executive function skills at home and in daily routines.

• Engage in a Q&A session with our expert speaker to get advice for your specific concerns.

This workshop is ideal for parents, caregivers, and anyone interested in supporting children’s executive function development. You will leave with a solid framework and practical tools to help your child thrive both academically and personally. Don’t miss this opportunity to empower yourself with the knowledge and strategies to make a positive impact on your child’s executive function development.

To register:

COPAA 26th Annual Conference

Hilton, Atlanta

Date: Sunday, March 10, 2024 from 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM/Breakout Session V

NESCA Presenter:

Kelley Challen, Ed.M, CAS, Director of Transition Services

Topic: “Assessment: The Cornerstone of Transition Planning and Services”

While every state has a slightly (or substantially) different IEP form, process, and incorporates transition goals and services into that process in different ways, the basic legal requirements for transition assessment and services are standardized in federal law and regulations. Learn the basics of transition assessment including the definition, components, sample tools, and expected outcomes of a comprehensive process.

To register:

COPAA 26th Annual Conference

Hilton, Atlanta

Date: Saturday, March 9, 2024 from 1:45 AM – 3:00 PM/Breakout Session II

NESCA Presenter:

Kelley Challen, Ed.M, CAS, Director of Transition Services

Topic: “Transition Planning and Services for Students with Chronic Mental Health Issues”

Among disability categories, students with emotional disabilities have the poorest school performance and are least likely to complete school. Learn about transition assessment processes that are most successful and useful for students with chronic mental health issues. Discover which skills are most important to develop and which services and linkages are worth advocating for as part of IEP transition planning.

To register:

Webinar: Launching Students Into College & Keeping Them There- College Supports that Work!

Date: February 27, 2024 at 7:00 pm

College is a huge commitment of resources in terms of time as well as emotions and finances. For students who are neurodivergent or have learning disabilities/mental health issues, college is often an even larger endeavor. Moreover, data suggest that success rates are often poor for these students. While some colleges have their own autism or learning disability support programs, many do not. But that shouldn’t prevent a student with a disability from being able to access the college that best fits their learning and social interests. What private supports are available for college students, especially those who struggle with executive functioning, social engagement, or self-advocacy? What programs already exist? How can students access these supports?

Clinical psychologist and founder of Top College Consultants, Eric Endlich, Ph.D., who has a proven track record of helping neurodivergent students worldwide make the transition to college, will moderate this online panel.

Register at: 


Wolf School- Complex Learners Conference

Date: March 2, 2024 from 9 am until noon

NESCA Presenters:

Dot Lucci, M.Ed, CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Counseling Services

Topic: “The Road to Self- Acceptance”

In this workshop participants will learn about the definition of self-acceptance, how it differs from other closely related terms, and some related research. We will also discuss the 3S’s of Self-Awareness, Social Competency and Stress-Management as ways of moving towards Self-Acceptance. After the academic portions of the talk are covered, we will embark on a journey of exploring tools and techniques related to self-discovery and how we can “welcome” all aspects of ourselves. Most of us have aspects of ourselves that we like/don’t like or others in our lives like/don’t like. We also have a difficult time accepting the totality of who we are – all those parts we “don’t like”. We want to fix or change something about ourselves or someone else wants to fix or change something about us. In the neurodivergent community trying to be or act in a way that is different than who you truly are or in a way that doesn’t come naturally to you has come to be known as “masking”. Trying to be someone that you are not is exhausting. The road towards Self-Acceptance is not linear and full of pitfalls and twists and turns but it is a journey worth taking so we can truly find self-love and self-acceptance.

Register at:

Webinar: Falmouth, Hamilton/Wenham, Hingham, North Andover, Northbridge, Northboro/Southboro, and Norwell SEPACs

Date: February 6, 2024 at 7:00 pm

NESCA Presenters:

Erin Gibbons, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Moira Creedon, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Topic: “Anxiety in Relation to Learning/DevelopmentalDisabilities and How to Address in the IEP”

Anxiety disorders are becoming increasingly common among children and adolescents, especially in the wake of the pandemic. Given the rising numbers of affected children and adolescents, it has become increasingly important that a student’s emotional health is addressed both at home through private counseling, as well as through the provision of school-based services. When students experience a high level of unmitigated anxiety throughout the day, they are less able to learn and meet their potential. This presentation will discuss the overlap between anxiety and learning challenges and how to seek services for anxiety through the school district.

Closed Event

Webinar: Franklin and Medway SEPACs

Date: February 8, 2024 at 7:00 pm

NESCA Presenter:

Erin Gibbons, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Topic: Neuropsychological Evaluations 101

This presentation will explain what a neuropsychological evaluation is, including common referral questions, the evaluation process, and the types of activities involved. The differences between hospital-based and clinic-based assessments will be discussed, including what clients should look for when choosing an evaluator. The presenter will seek to explain the most important outcomes of an evaluation, including a comprehensive, individualized report that can be a vehicle to getting the appropriate supports for a student who is struggling academically, emotionally, socially, or developmentally

Register at:

Webinar: Wolf School

Date: January 30, 2024 at 12 noon

NESCA Presenter:

Erin Gibbons, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Topic: “Anxiety in Relation to Learning/Developmental Disabilities”


Closed Event

Stressed Out Students

Date: February 5, 2024 at 6:00 pm

Join us for an evening with Dr. Angela Currie to discuss anxiety, attention & executive functioning in children & teens.

NESCA Presenter: 

Angela Currie, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Closed event for parents/guardians, grandparents, teachers & staff of Londonderry, NH. Co-sponsored by the SS, NS & MT PTAs.

Webinar: Franklin and Medway SEPACs

Date: January 11, 2024 at 7:00 pm

NESCA Presenter:

Miranda Milana, Psy.D, Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Topic: Managing Behavior Challenges

This presentation outlines the various types of behaviors young children can display, why they maybe engaging in a particular behavior, behavior as communication, and strategies parents and caregivers can implement to not only manage behaviors but prevent them from taking place.

Register at:

Stressed Out Students

Date:  January 16, 2024 at 6:00 pm

Join us for an evening with Dr. Angela Currie to discuss anxiety, attention & executive functioning in children & teens.

NESCA Presenter: 

Angela Currie, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Closed event for parents/guardians, grandparents, teachers & staff of Londonderry, NH. Co-sponsored by the SS, NS & MT PTAs.

Past Seminars, Workshops & Events

Webinar: Student Stress and Daily Management – How Boarding Schools Support Today’s Learners

Cynthia Hess, Psy.D., Presenter/Pediatric Neuropsychologist, NESCA

Angela Currie, Ph.D., Host/Pediatric Neuropsychologist, NESCA

November 16, 2023

Windham Woods School: An Evening with Dr Angela Currie

Angela Currie, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

October 24, 2023

Division on Career Development and Transition International Conference in Reno, Nevada

Tabitha Monahan, MA, CAGS, CRC, Transition Specialist/Counselor

October 18-21, 2023

Division on Career Development and Transition International Conference in Reno, Nevada

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services

October 18-21, 2023

Webinar: Riverside Family Support Center 

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services

October 2, 2023

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Associations/Massachusetts Rehabilitation Counselor Association

Tabitha Monahan, MA, CAGS, CRC, Transition Specialist/Counselor

June 2023

Woburn Public Schools: Student  Success Speaker Series

Dot Lucci, M.Ed, CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Counseling Services

May 4, 2023

Webinar: Postsecondary Planning: What Are My Options?

Tabitha Monahan, MA, CAGS, CRC, Transition Specialist/Counselor

April 26, 2023

Woburn Public Schools: Student  Success Speaker Series

Ann Helmus, Ph.D., Founder and Director of NESCA

March 9, 2023

Webinar: Postsecondary Planning: What Are My Options?

Tabitha Monahan, MA, CAGS, CRC, Transition Specialist/Counselor

March 2, 2023

United Way of Greater New Bedford

Erin Gibbons, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

January 31, 2023

Mental Health Advocacy Program for Kids Training

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services

November 16, 2022

Learning Prep School: Virtual Transition Information Night

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services

November 8, 2022

37th Annual Executive Function Virtual Conference- The Research Institute for Learning and Development

Dot Lucci, M.Ed, CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Counseling Services

November 4, 2022

Division on Career Development and Transition Annual Conference

Tabitha Monahan, MA, CAGS, CRC, Transition Specialist/Counselor

November 2-5, 2022

Webinar: “Transition Planning for Students with Chronic Mental Health Challenges”

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services

Lyndsay Wood, OTD, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist; Transition Specialist

October 25, 2022

Autism Alliance Webinar: “Understanding Executive Function and the Impact of Self Regulation on Learning”

Miranda Milana, Psy.D, Pediatric Neuropsychologist

October 25, 2022

Rising Tide Charter School Webinar- “Understanding Your Teen’s Anxiety and Ideas for Collaborating with School”

Kristen Simon, M.ED, ED.S Transition Specialist and Psychoeducational Counselor

October 18, 2022

SPaN Webinar: “But She’s Only 12: Planning Successfully for Life After the IEP”

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services

October 18, 2022

Massachusetts Neuropsychological Society: Expand Your Perspective – and Possibly Your Practice:  The Opportunities and Challenges in Performing Neuropsychology Evaluations Internationally

Ann Helmus, Ph.D., Founder and Director of NESCA

October 13, 2022

House of Possibilities Presentation: “Introduction to ASD, Working with ASD Individuals”

Dot Lucci, M.Ed, CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Counseling Services

September 29, 2022

AANE Webinar: “Transition Planning for Youth with Autism—from Public Schools to Postsecondary Education, Employment, and Adult Life.”

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services

September 21, 2022

Webinar: “Special Education is about Academic AND Functional Skills: How Occupational Therapy Helps”

Sophie Bellenis, OTD, OTR/L,  Occupational Therapist; Real-life Skills Program Manager and Coach

Lyndsay Wood, OTD, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist; Transition Specialist

August 10, 2022

NESCA’s Summer Transition Program: Postsecondary Options Leading to Adulthood

Tabitha Monahan, M.A., CRC, Transition Specialist/Counselor

July 12- August 11, 2022

Webinar: Occupational Therapy After Elementary School: When and Why is it Important?

Sophie Bellenis, OTD, OTR/L,  Occupational Therapist; Real-life Skills Program Manager and Coach

Lyndsay Wood, OTD, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist; Transition Specialist

July 12, 2022

NESCA’s Summer Transition Program: College Transition: How, When and What to Prepare

Tabitha Monahan, M.A., CRC, Transition Specialist/Counselor

July 11- August 10, 2022

Webinar: From IEP to Adult Life – What Makes a Difference in Planning?

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services

Lyndsay Wood, OTD, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist; Transition Specialist

June 14, 2022

Webinar: But She’s Only 12- Planning Successfully for Life After the IEP

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services

Tabitha Monahan, M.A., CRC, Transition Specialist/Counselor

June 9, 2022

Webinar: Summer Transition Programs 2022


Tabitha Monahan, M.A., CRC, Transition Specialist/Counselor


June 1, 2022

FCSN’s Vision of Community Conference

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services

Tabitha Monahan, M.A., CRC, Transition Specialist/Counselor


March 19, 2022

Bridgewater State College: School of Social Work


Dot Lucci, M.Ed, CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Counseling Services

Renee Marchant, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Yvonne Asher, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


March 18, 2022

Webinar: College Ready? How to Know if a Student has the Skills to be Successful in the Digital Age

Sophie Bellenis, OTD, OTR/L,  Occupational Therapist; Real-life Skills Program Manager and Coach

March 16, 2022

Webinar: Executive Function in the Covid Era




Sophie Bellenis, OTD, OTR/L,  Occupational Therapist; Real-life Skills Program Manager and Coach

March 8, 2022

NESCA exhibit at the COPAA 24th Annual Conference

March 3-6, 2022

MAAPS (Massachusetts Association of Approved Special Education Schools)

Ann Helmus, Ph.D., Founder and Director of NESCA

March 2, 2022

Lexington SEPTA/SEPAC Webinar: Transition Assessments

Kelley Challen, Ed.M, CAS, Director of Transition Services; Transition Specialist

January 27, 2022

Westwood Public Schools Administrators: Transition Discussion

Dot Lucci, M.Ed, CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Counseling Services

December 13, 2021

Fusion Academy Webinar: Understanding Language-Based Learning Challenges

Alissa Talamo, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

December 7, 2021

Fusion Academy Webinar: Assessing Social Skills Challenges

Stephanie Monaghan-Blout, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

November 17, 2021

The Federation for Children with Special Needs/RTSC Making a Difference Conference

Renee Marchant, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

November 16, 2021

The Arc of Massachusetts 2021 Transition Conference

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services

Tabitha Monahan, M.A., CRC, Transition Specialist/Counselor

November 8, 2021

Webinar: “Sexual Health for Teens and Young Adults with Disabilities”

Sophie Bellenis, OTD, OTR/L,  Occupational Therapist; Real-life Skills Program Manager and Coach

November 3, 2021

Woburn Public Schools Professional Development: “Empowering Inclusion Classrooms”

Dot Lucci, M.Ed, CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Counseling Services

Jennie DunKley, Special Education Consultant

November 2, 2021

Northborough-Southborough Professional Development: “Empowering Inclusion Classrooms”

Dot Lucci, M.Ed, CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Counseling Services

November 1, 2021

Post-screening discussion of Resilience for the Newton Commission on Disability

Yvonne Asher, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

October 28, 2021

AANE 2021 Fall Conference: “Non-Conformity and Self-Acceptance”

Dot Lucci, M.Ed, CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Counseling Services

October 23, 2021

Webinar: “Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Toddlers and Preschoolers”

Renee Marchant, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

October 22, 2021

The Learning Prep Transition Information Night

Kelley Challen, Ed.M, CAS, Director of Transition Services; Transition Specialist

October 21, 2021

Webinar: Who is NESCA (Neuropsychology & Education Services for Children & Adolescents) and How Can We Help?

Ann Helmus, Ph.D., Founder and Director of NESCA

Kelley Challen, Ed.M, CAS, Director of NESCA’s Transition Services; Transition Specialist

Julie Robinson, OT, Director of Clinical Services at NESCA.

October 18, 2021

Westford SEPAC Presentation

Kelley Challen, Ed.M, CAS, Director of Transition Services; Transition Specialist

October 13, 2021

Webinar: “Does Your Teen Want a Change? Explore Health & Life Coaching at NESCA”

Billy Demiri, CPT, NESCA Health & Life Coach

Ann Helmus, Ph.D., Founder & Director of NESCA

September 23, 2021

Webinar: “Is It Behavior or Is It Sensory?”

Julie Robinson, OT, Director of Clinical Services, Occupational Therapist

September 13, 2021

F.U.S.E. School: “Making Sense of the World for Quirky Kids”

Dot Lucci, M.Ed, CAGS Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Services

September 3, 2021

Webinar: “I Can’t Think When I’m Stressed!” Understanding the Relationship between Anxiety and Executive Function, and How to Help

Angela Currie, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

August 16, 2021

Webinar: Transition Assessment: What, When and How

Kelley Challen, Ed.M, CAS, Director of Transition Services; Transition Specialist

August 3, 2021

Webinar: Does Your Teen Want a Change? Explore Health & Life Coaching at NESCA

Billy Demiri, CPT,NESCA Health & Life Coach

Ann Helmus, Ph.D., Clinical Neuropsychologist

July 15, 2021

Webinar: Neuropsychological Evaluations: What are they and what to look for in an evaluator?

Ann Helmus, Ph.D., Clinical Neuropsychologist

May 26, 2021

Dover-Sherborn SEPAC Meeting

Sophie Bellenis, OTD, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist; Real-life Skills Program Manager and Coach

May 14, 2021

The Arc of Massachusetts Webinar: “Transition Assessment: What, When and How?”

Kelley Challen, Ed.M, CAS, Director of Transition Services

April 29, 2021

Webinar: Neuropsychological Evaluations: What are they and what to look for in an evaluator?

Ann Helmus, Ph.D., Clinical Neuropsychologist

April 28, 2021

Webinar: Neuropsychological Evaluations: What are they and what to look for in an evaluator?

Ann Helmus, Ph.D., Clinical Neuropsychologist

April 28, 2021

Harbor School in Hong Kong

Ann Helmus, Ph.D., Clinical Neuropsychologist

April 27, 2021

Boston Children’s Hospital Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Family Symposium

Stephanie Monaghan-Blout, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

April 9 & 10, 2021

Private Practice Summit

Ann Helmus, Ph.D., Clinical Neuropsychologist

March 22, 2021

Federation for Children with Special Needs “Visions of Community” Conference 2021

“Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder: ASD Diagnostic Testing”

Renee Marchant, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

March 6, 2021

Federation for Children with Special Needs “Visions of Community” Conference 2021

“Transition Assessment, Services and IEP Development: What, When, and How”

March 6, 2021

Federation for Children with Special Needs “Visions of Community” Conference 2021

“Balancing the Social-Emotional Needs of All the Children in the Family”

Dot Lucci, M.Ed, CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Counseling Services

March 6, 2021

Federation for Children with Special Needs “Visions of Community” Conference 2021

“Special Ed and Stress: How to Keep Calm and Advocate On”

Angela Currie, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

March 6, 2021

Webinar: Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Toddlers and Preschoolers

Renee Marchant, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

February 23

Webinar: Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Toddlers and Preschoolers

Renee Marchant, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

January 26 and 29

Autism Educator Hangouts

Dot Lucci, M.Ed., CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Counseling Services

October through December

“Is My Child a Picky Eater or Problem Feeder?” Webinar

Abigael Gray, MS, CCC-SLP, Speech-Language Pathologist; Feeding Specialist

Lauren Zeitler, MSOT, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist; Feeding Specialist


Supporting Students with ASD during Remote & Hybrid Education Webinar

Dot Lucci, M.Ed., CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Counseling Services


Early Signs of Reading Challenges Webinar

Alissa Talamo, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Turning 22 During COVID-19

Tabitha Monahan, M.A., CRC, Transition Specialist; Counselor


Supporting Students Emotionally as they Return to School: Signs They May Need Extra Support Webinar

Moira Creedon, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


“Assessing Readiness for Learning as We Return to School: What Skills May Need Extra Support?” Webinar

Sophie Bellenis, OTD, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist; Real-life Skills Program Manager and Coach


Sexual Health Education for Teens with Disabilities Webinar

Sophie Bellenis, OTD, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist; Real-life Skills Program Manager and Coach


Federation for Children with Special Needs: Supports for Students with a History of Trauma and Significant Anxiety

Renee Marchant, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Stephanie Monaghan-Blout, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


AANE Webinar: Transition Planning: Understanding and Accessing IEP Transition Services

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services


Federation for Children with Special Needs Webinar: Transition Services in our Remote Environment

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services


Federation for Children with Special Needs Webinar: Testing in the Age of Remote Learning

Ann Helmus, Ph.D., NESCA Founder and Director; Pediatric Neuropsychologist


AANE Webinar: Transition Planning: Guidelines and Timelines for Supporting an Individual with Autism

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services


Mass Advocates for Children Webinar: Transition Services while Remote Learning

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services


OT-How to Target Goals and Build Skills at Home Webinar

Sophie Bellenis, OTD, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist; Real-life Skills Program Manager and Coach


Executive Function in the Era of Remote Learning Webinar

Sophie Bellenis, OTD, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist; Real-life Skills Program Manager and Coach


A Therapeutic Approach to the Covid-19 Time Capsule Webinar

Renee Marchant, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Dot Lucci, M.Ed., CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Counseling Services


Remote Learning & ADHD Webinar

Yvonne Asher, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Stephanie Monaghan-Blout, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Transition Planning at Home – Your Questions Answered Webinar


Becki Lauzon, M.A., CRC, Transition Specialist; Consultant


AANE Webinar: Transition Planning: Guidelines and Timelines for Supporting an Individual with Autism

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services


Creating Roadmaps for the Lifespan

Erin Gibbons, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Becki Lauzon, M.A., CRC, Transition Specialist


Understanding Dyslexia and Supporting Struggling Readers

Alissa Talamo, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Special Needs Advocacy Network (SPaN) Transition Roundtable Workshop

Kelley Challen, Ed.M, CAS, Director of Transition Services, Assistant Director of NESCA


Stressed out Students

Angela Currie, Ph.D., NH Director and Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Sexuality Education Workshop for Young Adults with Disabilities

Sophie Bellenis, OTD, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist, Real-life Skills Program Manager and Coach


Neurodevelopmental Evaluations

Erin Gibbons, PhD., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Innovative Treatments for Anxiety

Dot Lucci, M.Ed, CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Services

Billy Demiri, CPT, Personal and Social Coach

Meghan Meade, L.Ac., MAOM, MS PREP, CYT,


Webinar: Neuropsychological Evaluations for Neurodiverse Individuals

Renee Marchant, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Autism and Trauma

Stephanie Monaghan-Blout, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Reducing and Managing Academic Stress

Renee Marchant, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Transition Planning for Life after School (Parts 1 and 2)

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, Director of Transition Services; NESCA Assistant Director


Autism and Trauma

Nancy Roosa, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Stephanie Monaghan-Blout, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Video Gaming – Addiction or Activity?

Dot Lucci, M.Ed, CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Services


When the World Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade: Techniques to Find Balance in a Stressful World

Dot Lucci, M.Ed, CAGS, Director of Consultation and Psychoeducational Services


Success is Not Always Spelled C-O-L-L-E-G-E: Post-secondary Options Other than Traditional College

Dina DiGregorio Karlon, Transition Specialist


Success is not spelled C-O-L-L-E-G-E

Dina DiGregorio Karlon, Transition Specialist


Preventing Failure to Launch: How to Prepare Your Teen for Life after High School

Dina DiGregorio Karlon, Transition Specialist


Stressed Out Students: Understanding the Impact of Anxiety on Motivation and Learning

Angela Currie, PhD., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Stressed Out Students

Angela Currie, PhD., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Assessing Social Skill Challenges in Kids: Autism, Anxiety, Trauma

Renee Marchant, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Understanding Executive Function and the Impact of Self-Regulation on Learning

Angela Currie, Ph.D., Pediatrict Neuropsychologist


Anxiety in Relation to Learning/Developmental Disabilities and How to Address in the IEP

Erin Gibbons, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Professional Development: Supporting Individuals with Autism, a Follow-Up Workshop

Kathleen Pignone, M.Ed., CRC, Transition Specialist


Decoding the Neuropsychological Evaluation

Nancy Roosa, Psy.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Professional Development: Autism 101

Kathleen Pignone, M.Ed., CRC, Transition Specialist


Webinar: Evaluating Children Under Age 5

Erin Gibbons, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Webinar: Community Supports for Effective Transition Planning

Kelley Challen, EdM, CAS, NESCA Director of Transition Services


Late, Lost, and Anxious! – Technology to Support Executive Function

Dr. Angela Currie, Ph.D., NESCA Pediatric Neuropsychologist

Heather Gray, M.S., CCC-SLP, ATP, Gray Consulting and Therapy

Jennifer Stylianos, M.S., OTR/L, Gray Consulting and Therapy


Understanding School Anxiety and School Refusal

Ryan Ruth Conway, Psy.D.,  NESCA Clinical Psychologist


Modern Parenting: Helping Tweens and Teens Navigate Social Media

Kelley Challen, EdM, CAS, NESCA Director of Transition Services

Jacquelyn M. Reinert, Psy.D., LMHC, NESCA Pediatric Neuropsychology Post-Doctoral Fellow


Stories of Motherhood – Making visible the precious invisible work of motherhood

True Story Theater


Smooth Transition Planning for Your Child with Special Needs – What happens after high school?

Kathleen Pignone MEd, CRC, Transition Specialist, NESCA


Providing Feedback to Parents, Even When They Don’t Want It

Ann Helmus, Ph.D., NESCA Director and Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Using Passion to Fuel Learning in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Ann Helmus, Ph.D., NESCA Director and Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Overcoming the Blank Stare: Supporting Students with Writing Anxiety.

Ann Helmus, Ph.D., NESCA Director and Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Stressed-Out Students: A workshop on Undersatanding the Impact of Anxiety on Motivation and Learning.

Dr. Angela Currie, Pediatric Neuropsychologist at NESCA


Early Identification of Struggling Readers

Alissa Talamo, Ph.D., NESCA Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Transition Assessment: When, What, & How

Kelley Challen, EdM, CAS, Director of Transition Services and Kathleen Pignone MEd, CRC, Transition Specialist, NESCA


Neuropsychological Assessments of Students with Complex Trauma: Helping Developing Brains Get Back on Track

Stephanie Monaghan-Blout, Psy.D., NESCA Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Transition Assessment and IEP Development: What, When, and How?

Kelley Challen, EdM, CAS, NESCA Director of Transition Services


Autism Spectrum Disorder and Trans Intersectionality

Jacquelyn M. Reinert, Psy.D., LMHC, NESCA Pediatric Neuropsychology Post-Doctoral Fellow


Enhancing Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood

Jacquelyn M. Reinert, Psy.D., LMHC, NESCA Pediatric Neuropsychology Post-Doctoral Fellow


Translating Neuropsychological Evaluations into Functional Appropriately Ambitious IEPs

Jennie H. DunKley, Special Education Consultant and Owner of JDK Communications
Stephanie Monaghan-Blout, Psy.D., NESCA Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Parent-Child Group Therapy

Dr. Ryan Conway


Affinity Method Consultation for Enhanced Treatment of Children with ASD

Rebecca Girard, LICSW, CAS


Transitioning to College with Autism: Practical Strategies for Successfully Managing the Process

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, NESCA Director of Transition Services


School Anxiety, School Phobia, and School Refusal

Dr. Ryan Ruth Conway


Neuropsychological Evaluations: Interpreting and Understanding

Dr. Ryan Ruth Conway


NESCA Workshop: School Refusal and the Back to School (BTS) Program

Dr. Ryan Ruth Conway


Life Outside of the House for Teens and Young Adults

Kathleen Pignone, M.Ed., CRC, NESCA Transition Specialist


Ensuring Appropriately Ambitious IEPS: Translating Neuropsychological Evaluations into Function

Jennie H. DunKley, Special Education Consultant and Owner of JDK Communications
Stephanie Monaghan-Blout, Psy.D., NESCA Pediatric Neuropsychologist


NESCA Workshop: School Refusal and the Back to School (BTS) Program

Nancy Roosa, Psy.D., NESCA Senior Neuropsychologist


Transition Workshop: Forget Failure to Launch! How to Support Your Teen or Young Adult in Getting Off the Couch and Involved in Live Outside the House

Kathleen Pignone, M.Ed. CRC


Fostering a Positive Parent-Child Relationship: The First Step in Behavior Management

Dr. Ryan Ruth Conway


Diagnosis of Students with Autism

Nancy Roosa, Psy.D.


Ron Suskind and The Affinity Project

Rebecca Girard, LICSW, CAS


Stressed-Out Teens: Understanding the Impact of Anxiety on Learning

Angela Currie, Ph.D.


Best Practices for Diagnosis and Education of Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder

Nancy Roosa, Psy.D.


Strategies for the Management of Anxiety and Challenging Behaviors in the Classroom

Dr. Elizabeth Lops, Ph.D.


How to Conduct Parent Feedback During Parent/Teacher Conferences

Dr. Elizabeth Lops, Ph.D.


Transition Basics: The Why, Where, and How of Transition Planning

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., C.A.S.


Strategies and Practices for Children and Adolescents, and the Adults Who Support Them

Ann-Noelle McCowan, M.S.


Demystifying Neuropsychological Assessments

Dr. Elizabeth Lops, Ph.D.


Hiding in Plain Sight: Shining Light on Women with Asperger/Autism Profiles

Sponsored by NESCA


Assistive Technology: Leveling the Field for Dyslexic Students

Courtney Rose Dykeman-Bermingham


Understanding Your Developing Reader: How to Identify and Address Reading Challenges in Children

Angela Currie, PH.D.


Smart Kid. Can’t Read.

Dr. Alissa Talamo, Ph.D.


“I can’t think when I’m stressed!” Understanding the Impact of Anxiety on Self-Regulation, Learning, and Daily Living, and How to Help Students Succeed

Angela Currie, PH.D.


Stressed Out Students: How to Identify and Manage Anxiety in Kids and Teens

Angela Currie, PH.D.


Be The Parent You Want To Be: A New Way of Parenting Kids

Angela Currie, PH.D.


Executive Function Assistive Technology Applications: Your Phone As Your Frontal Lobe

Courtney Rose Dykeman-Bermingham, Transition Services Provider


The Impact of Anxiety and Self-Regulation on Learning and Behavior: Understanding the “Unmotivated” Student

Angela Currie, PH.D.


Anxiety and Homework: Helping Your Child Shift From Undone to Done

Nancy Roosa, Psy.D.


Let’s Make Sense of the Neuropsychological Evaluation

Reva Tankle, Ph.D.
