Join our expert, collaborative team! NESCA is hiring full- and part-time pediatric neuropsychologists in our Newton, MA and Londonderry, NH locations. Read more about the position details, requirements, benefits, and how to apply on our Careers page:

Child in bed suffering from a concussion, holding their head in pain

What School Supports Does My Child Need After A Concussion?

By | NESCA Notes 2024

Child in bed suffering from a concussion, holding their head in painBy: Alison Burns, Ph.D.
Pediatric Neuropsychologist, NESCA

Unfortunately, every year, many children and adolescents experience concussions. A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that occurs when an individual sustains a blow to the head or body that results in the brain moving rapidly back and forth. This causes the brain to stretch and strain, resulting in a vast array of possible symptoms. Symptoms of a concussion include:

list of physical, cognitive, emotional, and sleep concussion symptoms

Recent studies have shown that while it is important to rest for the initial few days after an injury, slowly reengaging in cognitive activities at a tolerable level helps to promote recovery. This period of rest followed by a slow increase in cognitive activity means that children are often out of school/slowly transitioning back to school for an unspecified period after injury. As such, many children will benefit from support and accommodation at school during the recovery period. Parents are encouraged to talk to their child’s academic team and school personnel to discuss the need for these supports. As children and adolescents experience differing sets of symptoms after an injury, the accommodations and supports should be tailored to the individual’s unique symptom profile.

Physical Symptoms: Students who experience headaches or fatigue may benefit from rest breaks or even a nap during the school day. Dizziness, balance problems, or nausea may necessitate the need for an elevator pass and it may be helpful for the student to transition to class before the bell rings when there are less people to navigate around in the hallway. Light and noise sensitivity can be particularly hard within the school setting. Students may need to wear sunglasses or a hat, be seated away from the window, and may need teacher notes as looking at a smartboard may be painful. In addition, computer-based work may need to be printed during the recovery period for light sensitive students. Students with noise sensitivity may need to wear ear plugs, avoid crowded and noisy areas, such as the lunchroom, assemblies, or music class, and they may need to transition to the next class before the bell rings and the hallway becomes noisy.

Cognitive Symptoms: A concussion can temporarily impact an individual’s attention, executive functioning skills, and processing speed. Therefore, it may be necessary to reduce a child’s workload (e.g., odd/even problems only, outline a paper instead of writing it fully, reduce homework load) and assign only essential work (i.e., waive non-essential assignments, quizzes, and tests). In addition, it may be helpful to break down tasks into smaller “chunks,” repeat information or instructions, and allow for extended time to complete essential classwork, quizzes, and tests. They may need access to teacher notes if they are unable to keep up with the pace of the instruction to take proper notes, and they may need information presented in a slower manner or repeated to ensure comprehension. Teachers should consider alternative ways to ensure mastery of information (e.g., oral discussion, multiple choice instead of open-ended questions) as students may not be able to demonstrate their true knowledge in standard ways while recovering from a concussion. Tests and quizzes should only be given if symptoms do not interfere, and the student is adequately prepared.

Emotional Symptoms: Emotional symptoms following concussion are often overlooked as they are not a commonly known symptom of concussion. Some children and adolescents may become overwhelmed about missing school and the accumulating workload, and they may feel isolated from their friends. This would also suggest the need to reduce a child’s workload for a short period of time, including waiving non-essential assignments, quizzes, or tests. Students should also be allowed to socialize with their peers as tolerated (e.g., quiet lunch setting with a few close friends).

Sleep Symptoms: A child or adolescent experiencing sleep difficulties as a result of their concussion may not have the energy to complete a full day of school. They may need a later start time or only be able to complete a half day of school. Some students with disrupted sleep may be able to complete a full school day, but they may require a nap in the nurse’s office.

In sum, a concussion presents in many ways and often has a significant impact on the day-to-day functioning of a child or adolescent. In particular, school is often disrupted after a concussion, even for children and adolescents who have a short recovery. School supports and accommodations should be tailored to the child’s individual profile of symptoms to best support them throughout their recovery.


About the Author

Dr. Burns conducts comprehensive evaluations of school-aged children, adolescents, and young adults with a variety of developmental, learning, and emotional difficulties. She has expertise in the evaluation of individuals following a concussion/mild traumatic brain injury and particularly enjoys working with individuals with attention (ADHD) and executive functioning (EF) difficulties. Dr. Burns is passionate about helping individuals and their families better understand their areas of strength and weakness and provides tailored treatment recommendations based upon that unique profile to make the evaluation most helpful for each client.


To book a consultation with Dr. Burns or one of our many other expert neuropsychologists, complete NESCA’s online intake form.

NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; the greater Burlington, Vermont region; and Brooklyn, New York (coaching services only) serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email or call 617-658-9800.

How Do You Know if an IEP Addresses Transition Planning Requirements?

By | NESCA Notes 2024

By: Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS
Director of Transition Services, NESCA

As educators and professionals who support parents, having a checklist focused on transition planning requirements for students with disabilities can help to ensure that students are prepared for life after high school.

The most obvious source for such a checklist is Indicator 13, which is a compliance indicator required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004.

Every IEP must include a transition plan that addresses the student’s future goals, including postsecondary education, vocational training, employment, and independent living (when appropriate) and the steps needed to achieve those goals.

Here’s a checklist of what should be included in a transition-rich IEP:

  1. Age-appropriate Transition Assessment: Adequate transition assessment information (including input from the student) about the student’s strengths, preferences, interests, and needs.
  2. Measurable Postsecondary Goals: Clearly defined goals related to training, education, employment, and, where appropriate, independent living skills. These goals must be based on age-appropriate transition assessments and be updated annually.
  3. Transition Services: A detailed outline of the transition services (e.g., life skills training, job coaching, vocational training, career counseling, work-based learning, agency linkages, etc.) that will reasonably enable the student to meet their postsecondary goals.
  4. Course of Study: A multi-year description of the coursework that will reasonably enable the student to meet their postsecondary goals. Indication as to when the student is expected to exit public education and what type of completion document the student will attain.
  5. Annual IEP Goals: Specific, measurable, annual skill-based goals related to the student’s transition services needs. Skills that need to be addressed this year to ensure the student progresses toward their goals.
  6. Student Involvement: Indication that the student was invited to meetings where transition services were discussed. Documentation that the student has been involved in the transition planning process.
  7. Interagency Coordination: If appropriate, evidence that outside agencies (e.g., vocational rehabilitation, pre-employment transition service provider, department of developmental services, postsecondary education admissions or disability services, center for independent living) are involved in the transition planning with appropriate consent from the adult student and/or parent/family.

Remember: Transition planning is a collaborative effort. Student and parent/family involvement are vital to creating a successful roadmap for the student’s future.

For more detailed information, feel free to reach out or visit the IDEA website:

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition also has excellent Indicator 13 checklists and training resources: (registration is required to use the site, but there is no paywall).

Together, let’s empower students to make a successful transition into adulthood!


About the Author
Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, is an expert transition specialist and national speaker who has been engaged in evaluation, development, and direction of transition-focused programming for teenagers and young adults with a wide array of developmental and learning abilities since 2004. While Ms. Challen has special expertise in working with youth with autism, she enjoys working with students with a range of cognitive, learning, communication, social, emotional and/or behavioral needs.

Ms. Challen joined NESCA as Director of Transition Services in 2013. She believes that the transition to postsecondary adulthood activities such as learning, living, and working is an ongoing process–and that there is no age too early or too late to begin planning. Moreover, any transition plan should be person-centered, individualized and include steps beyond the completion of secondary school.

Through her role at NESCA, Ms. Challen provides a wide array of services including individualized transition assessment, planning, consultation, training, and program development services, as well as pre-college coaching. She is particularly skilled in providing transition assessment and consultation aimed at determining optimal timing for a student’s transition to college, technical training, adult learning, and/or employment as well as identifying and developing appropriate programs and services necessary for minimizing critical skill gaps.

Ms. Challen is one of the only professionals in New England who specializes in assisting families in selecting or developing programming as a steppingstone between special education and college participation and has a unique understanding of local postgraduate, pre-college, college support, college transition, postsecondary transition, and 18-22 programs. She is additionally familiar with a great number of approved high school and postsecondary special education placements for students from Massachusetts including public, collaborative, and private programs.

Ms. Challen enjoys the creative and collaborative problem-solving process necessary for successfully transitioning students with complex profiles toward independent adulthood. As such, she is regularly engaged in IEP Team Meetings, program consultations, and case management or student coaching as part of individualized post-12th grade programming. Moreover, she continually works to enhance and expand NESCA’s service offerings in order to meet the growing needs of the families, schools and communities we serve.

When appropriate, Ms. Challen has additionally provided expert witness testimony for families and school districts engaged in due process hearings or engaged in legal proceedings centering on transition assessment, services and/or programming—locally and nationally.

Nearly two decades ago, Ms. Challen began her work with youth with special needs working as a counselor for children and adolescents at Camp Good Times, a former program of Milestones Day School. She then spent several years at the Aspire Program (a Mass General for Children program; formerly YouthCare) where she founded an array of social, life and career skill development programs for teens and young adults with Asperger’s Syndrome and related profiles. Also, she worked at the Northeast Arc as Program Director for the Spotlight Program, a drama-based social pragmatics program, serving youth with a wide range of diagnoses and collaborating with several school districts to design in-house social skill and transition programs.

Ms. Challen received her Master’s Degree and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Risk and Prevention Counseling from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. While training and obtaining certification as a school guidance counselor, she completed her practicum work at Boston Latin School focusing on competitive college counseling.

Ms. Challen has worked on multiple committees involved in the Massachusetts DESE IEP Improvement Project, served as a Mentor for the Transition Leadership Program at UMass Boston, participated as a member of B-SET Boston Workforce Development Task Force, been an ongoing member of the Program Committee for the Association for Autism and Neurodiversity (AANE), and is a member of the New Hampshire Transition State Community of Practice (COP).

She is also co-author of the chapter, “Technologies to Support Interventions for Social-Emotional Intelligence, Self-Awareness, Personality Style, and Self-Regulation,” for the book Technology Tools for Students with Autism: Innovations that Enhance Independence and Learning.

To schedule an appointment with one of NESCA’s transition specialists, please complete our online intake form

NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; the greater Burlington, Vermont region; and Brooklyn, NY (coaching services only) serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email or call 617-658-9800.

Correct Pronoun Use Saves Lives

By | NESCA Notes 2024

By: Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS
Director of Transition Services, NESCA

Let me explain…

For anyone who is working with children, teenagers, or young adults in 2024, there is no question that we are working with more openly transgender and nonbinary youth than we were in 2004. Because of this, NESCA recently held a staff seminar led by Dr. Sebastian Barr, speaking about the Psychosocial Wellbeing of Trans & Nonbinary Youth.

As Dr. Barr eloquently identified, “more people are recognizing their trans and nonbinary identities earlier in life.” These youth “have more unique needs” and are “more likely to struggle and need services.” But, for most of us working in education or health care, our academic experiences taught us very little, if anything, about supporting trans and nonbinary youth. Fortunately, in current times, there is research and publishing around this topic. And I was lucky to be able to absorb some of that research in just 75-minutes listening to Dr. Barr.

I learn well in lectures, and there is a lot that will stick with me from the presentation, but the most impactful point made was that “correct pronouns are suicide prevention.” If we care about kids and people, we should do whatever work we need to ourselves in order to learn and use correct pronouns. Trans and nonbinary individuals, especially teens and young adults, are at much greater risk of experiencing mental health issues, and suicidal thinking. There are many studies identifying factors associated with this risk such as bias, non-affirmation, exclusion, marginalization, trauma, etc. Fortunately, there are also studies identifying protective factors that are associated with wellbeing. Some of these variables include:

  • Parental and sibling acceptance
  • General affirmation of gender, like correct pronoun use
  • Access to competent medical support
  • Community support

Importantly, research from the Trevor Project, indicates that “transgender and nonbinary youth who reported having pronouns respected by all or most of the people in their lives attempted suicide at half the rate of those who did not have their pronouns respected.” *

This is why Dr. Barr indicated that many people in the field will say “correct pronouns are suicide prevention.” He emphasized that if you do make a mistake, you should “correct it quickly, not draw attention, and practice so you don’t repeat the mistake multiple times.”

I am not sharing this with any interest in getting into a debate about feelings or beliefs. I am sharing this in hopes that someone reads this, finds it useful in their parenting or professional work, and makes an effort to use correct pronouns in order to potentially save a life.


If you want more information about Dr. Barr or his work, you can visit:

To download a Pronoun Fact Sheet from the @American Psychological Association, you can click here:

*For more information and data regarding #LGBTQ Youth Mental Health, check out the National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health 2020:


About the Author
Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, is an expert transition specialist and national speaker who has been engaged in evaluation, development, and direction of transition-focused programming for teenagers and young adults with a wide array of developmental and learning abilities since 2004. While Ms. Challen has special expertise in working with youth with autism, she enjoys working with students with a range of cognitive, learning, communication, social, emotional and/or behavioral needs.

Ms. Challen joined NESCA as Director of Transition Services in 2013. She believes that the transition to postsecondary adulthood activities such as learning, living, and working is an ongoing process–and that there is no age too early or too late to begin planning. Moreover, any transition plan should be person-centered, individualized and include steps beyond the completion of secondary school.

Through her role at NESCA, Ms. Challen provides a wide array of services including individualized transition assessment, planning, consultation, training, and program development services, as well as pre-college coaching. She is particularly skilled in providing transition assessment and consultation aimed at determining optimal timing for a student’s transition to college, technical training, adult learning, and/or employment as well as identifying and developing appropriate programs and services necessary for minimizing critical skill gaps.

Ms. Challen is one of the only professionals in New England who specializes in assisting families in selecting or developing programming as a steppingstone between special education and college participation and has a unique understanding of local postgraduate, pre-college, college support, college transition, postsecondary transition, and 18-22 programs. She is additionally familiar with a great number of approved high school and postsecondary special education placements for students from Massachusetts including public, collaborative, and private programs.

Ms. Challen enjoys the creative and collaborative problem-solving process necessary for successfully transitioning students with complex profiles toward independent adulthood. As such, she is regularly engaged in IEP Team Meetings, program consultations, and case management or student coaching as part of individualized post-12th grade programming. Moreover, she continually works to enhance and expand NESCA’s service offerings in order to meet the growing needs of the families, schools and communities we serve.

When appropriate, Ms. Challen has additionally provided expert witness testimony for families and school districts engaged in due process hearings or engaged in legal proceedings centering on transition assessment, services and/or programming—locally and nationally.

Nearly two decades ago, Ms. Challen began her work with youth with special needs working as a counselor for children and adolescents at Camp Good Times, a former program of Milestones Day School. She then spent several years at the Aspire Program (a Mass General for Children program; formerly YouthCare) where she founded an array of social, life and career skill development programs for teens and young adults with Asperger’s Syndrome and related profiles. Also, she worked at the Northeast Arc as Program Director for the Spotlight Program, a drama-based social pragmatics program, serving youth with a wide range of diagnoses and collaborating with several school districts to design in-house social skill and transition programs.

Ms. Challen received her Master’s Degree and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Risk and Prevention Counseling from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. While training and obtaining certification as a school guidance counselor, she completed her practicum work at Boston Latin School focusing on competitive college counseling.

Ms. Challen has worked on multiple committees involved in the Massachusetts DESE IEP Improvement Project, served as a Mentor for the Transition Leadership Program at UMass Boston, participated as a member of B-SET Boston Workforce Development Task Force, been an ongoing member of the Program Committee for the Association for Autism and Neurodiversity (AANE), and is a member of the New Hampshire Transition State Community of Practice (COP).

She is also co-author of the chapter, “Technologies to Support Interventions for Social-Emotional Intelligence, Self-Awareness, Personality Style, and Self-Regulation,” for the book Technology Tools for Students with Autism: Innovations that Enhance Independence and Learning.

To schedule an appointment with one of NESCA’s transition specialists, please complete our online intake form

NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; the greater Burlington, Vermont region; and Brooklyn, NY (coaching services only) serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email or call 617-658-9800.

three children enjoying reading books on a beach

Why Should I Encourage My Child to Read Before Heading Back to School?

By | NESCA Notes 2024

three children enjoying reading books on a beachBy: Alissa Talamo, PhD
Pediatric Neuropsychologist, NESCA

While it is important for children to have the summer to relax and recharge, summer is also an opportunity to make reading a fun and enjoyable experience. Research demonstrates that students who do not read over the summer are more likely to “slide” or lose skills during that time period, while students who read can avoid the slide and actually improve their reading skills. Reading also provides significant benefits, including expanding your child’s general knowledge, improving spelling skills, increasing vocabulary, and even improving focus and attention.

According to Sally Shaywitz, MD, author of the book, Overcoming Dyslexia, students who read for less than a few minutes a day (outside of school) are exposed to approximately 8,000 written words per year compared to a child who reads for 20 minutes per day who is exposed to 1.8 million words per year. Reading also exposes children to vocabulary that is more expansive than what they hear on a day-to-day basis, and it provides them with examples of different types of grammar and syntax. How do we encourage children to read in a stress-free manner?  Here are some ideas…

  • Set a reading time where you and your child read together. Make it more fun by creating a special reading space for them in their room or elsewhere in the home.
  • Connect an activity with the reading. For example, if your child likes to read about animals, reward reading books about animal with a trip to the zoo.
  • Let your child sign up for their own library card and allow them to check out a few books per week.
  • Explore interactive reading apps that can be customized for your child’s age and reading level. For young readers, some good apps include and
  • Listen to audiobooks together.
  • Provide opportunities for reading outside of the home. For example, you can keep books in the car or pack them for a day on the beach.
  • Remember – it does not need to be a chapter book to count as reading! For example, some students might enjoy reading magazines in their areas of interest. There are several magazines specifically designed for kids. Find the one that interests your child. Some examples include TIME for Kids, Sports Illustrated for Kids, or National Geographic Kids.
  • Kids who don’t like to read to themselves may still enjoy being read to. Talk with your child about what topics they want to learn more about and then look for nonfiction books on that subject. Try to find some they can read independently as well as books you can read aloud.
  • Finally, encourage your child to try books from different series. This way, when they find a series they like, there will be more books for them to read and enjoy!


Sally Shaywitz, MD, Overcoming Dyslexia (2020 Edition): Second Edition, January 4, 2005


About the Author

With NESCA since its inception in 2007, Dr. Talamo had previously practiced for many years as a child and adolescent clinical psychologist before completing postdoctoral re-training in pediatric neuropsychology at the Children’s Evaluation Center.

After receiving her undergraduate degree from Columbia University, Dr. Talamo earned her doctorate in clinical health psychology from Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University.

She has given a number of presentations, most recently on “How to Recognize a Struggling Reader,” “Supporting Students with Working Memory Limitations,” (with Bonnie Singer, Ph.D., CCC-SLP of Architects for Learning), and “Executive Function in Elementary and Middle School Students.”

Dr. Talamo specializes in working with children and adolescents with language-based learning disabilities including dyslexia, attentional disorders, and emotional issues. She is also interested in working with highly gifted children.

Her professional memberships include MAGE (Massachusetts Association for Gifted Education), IDA (International Dyslexia Association), MABIDA (the Massachusetts division of IDA) and MNS (the Massachusetts Neuropsychological Society).

She is the mother of one college-aged daughter.

To book a consultation with Dr. Talamo or one of our many other expert neuropsychologists, complete NESCA’s online intake form.

NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; the greater Burlington, Vermont region; and Brooklyn, New York (coaching services only) serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email or call 617-658-9800.

Filled backpack ready for the first day of school

How to Prepare Students with Autism for the New School Year

By | NESCA Notes 2024

Filled backpack ready for the first day of schoolBy: Renee Cutiongco Folsom, Ph.D.
Pediatric Neuropsychologist

I know that summer is about to end here in New England when I see posts on Facebook from my West Coast friends about their children’s first day of school and when every other commercial on TV is heralding back-to-school sales. A little sense of panic sets in, because of all the preparations needed for children going back to school. In my work with children with special needs, one group that often struggles with transitions such as these is children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that manifests in challenges with social communication and interaction, and in the presence of repetitive, restricted behaviors that significantly impact functioning. One of the symptoms of ASD is difficulty with transitions. Some children with ASD get really upset with even slight changes in routines or plans. This is the reason why the start and end of the school year is often difficult for them. Here are some strategies for helping children with ASD transition back to school. They can also be used for any child to prepare for any transition, major or minor.

Visit the new school/classroom – A lot of schools are already doing this, but a visit to a new school or classroom a few days before the official start of school could help your child get acclimated to their new environment or teacher. Teachers usually report for work the week before the first day of school to prepare their rooms. Set a time to meet with the new teacher and let them provide your child with a tour of the room and other areas, such as the library or cafeteria. Show the child their desk and cubby. Tell them about the schedule posted on the board. This will ease some of your child’s fears and anxieties about the first day of school.

Use social stories – Social stories are written or illustrated stories that present information about social situations. Developed by educational consultant, Carol Gray, they instruct students about what to do or say in social situations, for example, the first day of school, together with information about other people’s motives or expectations. Using pictures from the school visit above, you can create a social story about the first day of school that talks about what to expect, directives about what your child can do or say, and the reason behind these actions. Here is an example of part of a social story for the first day of school:

  • This is Ms. Smith, my new teacher. She is very nice.
  • My mom and I walk to my classroom.
  • Smith is there to greet me. I look at her and smile.
  • I say goodbye to my mom and give her a big hug. She will come back at the end of the day to pick me up.
  • I enter the room and place my bag in my cubby. I find my desk and take my seat.
  • I look at the kid next to me and say, “Hi.” I want other kids to like me.

For help with creating social stories, you can go to or

Use video modeling – In my work with children with autism, I often find that they are visual learners; they have better developed abilities in thinking and reasoning with pictures. And with the popularity of technology, such as iPads and smartphones, they are usually attracted to videos. Speech and language pathologist Linda Hodgdon, M.Ed., CCC-SLP ( has developed a strategy of using videos to teach skills/competencies for children and adolescents with ASD. In video modeling, you can bring your child to the new school/classroom a few days early with a video camera. You can record walking the hallways from class to class, opening the locker, going to the cafeteria or the gym, and other things they would need to do when school is in session. While you are filming, you can add dialogue explaining each item or place of interest. Then, your child/teenager can watch the video at home to prepare for the first real day of school when students will be there. Video modeling can also be used to prepare for other transitions/novel situations, such as preparing for a holiday or a new experience (e.g., riding a train, watching a movie, visiting a new restaurant).

Transitions are difficult because they require us to leave a place or state that we have been accustomed to and enter something that is unknown or unpredictable. Preparing ourselves for transitions by demystifying some of the unknowns can help us cope better with the anxiety that is inherent in these situations. I hope the suggestions above can help you and your child transition back to school.


About the Author

Dr. Renee Cutiongco Folsom, Ph.D. has been working with families in the greater Boston area since 2015. Prior to this, she was on staff at Johns Hopkins University and trained at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She provides comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations of children, adolescents, and young adults who have learning, behavioral, and socio-emotional challenges. Her areas of expertise include Autism Spectrum Disorder and other conditions that usually co-occur with this diagnosis; Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; Dyslexia and other Specific Learning Disabilities; and Anxiety/Depression. She thinks that the best part of being a pediatric neuropsychologist is helping change the trajectory of children’s lives.

To schedule an appointment with one of NESCA’s pediatric neuropsychologists, please complete our online intake form

NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; the greater Burlington, Vermont region, and Brooklyn, NY, serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email or call 617-658-9800.


American flag with the word VOTE under it

Voting Rights and Supports for People with Disabilities 2024

By | NESCA Notes 2024

American flag with the word VOTE under itBy: Tabitha Monahan, M.A., CAGS, CRC
NESCA Transition Specialist/Counselor

The election season is often thought to begin in full force after Labor Day. However, this summer has been full of unexpected events that have brought the 2024 General Election to the forefront of many people’s minds for much of the summer. One aspect that is not often covered in detail with our transition-aged youth, is that once they are 18, they are now eligible to register (…if they have not already. In Massachusetts, youth can pre-register at age 16!), and vote in local, state, and federal elections. However, many of the teens and young adults who I work with are unsure how to navigate the election process and what their rights as citizens with disabilities are to express their opinion by casting their vote.

There’s good news on the voting front. According to Disability Research at Rutgers University and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), 62% of individuals with disabilities voted in the 2020 election, an uptick from previous elections, thought to be due to the increased availability of voting options, such as mail-in and early voting. There was also a significant decrease in the number of people with disabilities who had difficulties voting in 2020, down from 26% to 11%. If you want to learn more about voter turnout by individuals with disabilities, read more in the Disability and Voter Turnout in the 2020 Elections Fact Sheet.

While numbers are heading in the right direction, we’d still like to help our young people with disabilities exercise their right to vote. In Massachusetts, even individuals with guardianship maintain their right to vote unless the court documents specifically state otherwise. There are many ways to support individuals, but it starts with helping them register. Massachusetts residents can register to vote online, when obtaining or renewing a driver’s license or state ID, or at the local registrar of voters’ office. Notices from MassHealth and the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) also include voter registration forms.

Absentee/mail-in ballots Every registered voter should have received a postcard/mailing within the past few weeks to request an absentee ballot from the Secretary of State. If you are not sure if you and/or your loved one received one, it looks like this:

Image of Official Application for Massachusetts voters to request a mail-in/absentee ballotPhoto Credit: Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis via X @RepJackLewis

All citizens are also allowed to bring a person to help them while they are at the polls. Encourage your young person by letting them know that many people require assistance at the polls, and it is completely normal to have someone help them if they need it. Each polling location should also have at least one AutoMARK Voter Assist Terminal, which helps individuals with visual impairments vote independently.

No one wants their vote not to be counted due to errors in filling out their ballot. People can request a sample ballot in advance from their local registrar of voters (the Secretary of State’s website can give you the address and phone number of your local registrar). Practicing filling out ballots in advance (even ballots from previous elections) can help a new voter become comfortable with the form and is great fine motor skill practice for those who may need it! When you check your voter registration status, sometimes the sample ballot is available right on that website. As of July, primary ballots from the previous state-level election were still posted on the state’s website. People can bring notes with them to the polls, so brining their completed sample ballot or notes on who they want to vote for and if they are voting yes or no on an issue can be incredibly beneficial for everyone, but certainly for folks who may have difficulty remembering their choices when they are at their polling place.

The Massachusetts Secretary of State also creates a voter information booklet for each election regarding the ballot initiatives. Starting in early October, these red booklets can be found at many community locations, such as local libraries, post offices, and city/town halls. These booklets offer information on what a yay or nay vote would mean and have information from each initiative’s proponents and opponents. Use that sample ballot as a starting point for the different types of ballot questions and elected positions.

Talk with them about current events and issues – The news can seem scary and overwhelming, and the advent of social media has further swarmed the sources of information available to people. It’s important to ask our transition-aged youth what they are seeing and hearing about events occurring in the world. It does not need to just be the hot button issues of the day. Talk to them about news topics of interest, like upcoming local events or events like the Olympics. Check-in with them on their understanding of reliable sources of information. Do they know how to tell if something was likely a deep fake, created with AI, or otherwise manipulated or photoshopped? Suggestions that people may want to consider when deciding if something is a reputable source can be found at the website: Tabitha Says So. FYI. Another resource that provides more information and lessons on both obtaining accurate information and understanding the different levels and roles of government and how to advocate for themselves within government is iCivics. They provide wonderful resources that can help individuals, teachers, and their families prepare for this upcoming and future elections.

Keep in mind that the key dates and deadlines for voting in this fall’s elections in Massachusetts are as follows:

  • State Primary Voter Registration Deadline: August 24th
  • Vote by Mail Application Deadline: August 26th
  • State Primary Tuesday: September 3rd
  • First Day of in person Early Voting: October 19th
  • Last Day to register for General Election: October 26th
  • Vote by Mail Application Deadline: October 29th
  • Last Day of in person Early Voting: November 1st
  • Election Day: November 5th
  • Election Day Polling Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Help your young adult find out what the different roles of government boards do and why there is an election for things such as Governor’s Councillor or Clerk of Courts. Help them find the websites for candidates running for office and review the candidates’ stances on issues. Ask what issues they want to learn more about, and which are important to them. This fall, Massachusetts voters will be casting their votes for a large lineup of roles to fill, with the following positions on the ballot.

  • President and Vice President of the United States (Electors of)
  • Representatives in Congress (Federal)
  • Senator (Federal)
  • Governor’s Councillor
  • State Senator
  • State Representative
  • Register of Deeds
  • Clerk of Courts
  • County Commissioner (county level only in certain counties)
  • Additional local offices (only certain cities & towns)
  • Ballot Questions

Most importantly, remind them that their vote counts. As many disability rights activists have said, “nothing about us without us.” Individuals with disabilities are greatly affected by the policy decisions that occur in government at all levels. Since many individuals with disabilities have frequently experienced disenfranchisement, there are numerous groups working tirelessly to lessen and remove these barriers. How have you helped your young adult exercise their right to vote?

Important Links:


About the Author

Tabitha Monahan, M.A., CAGS, CRC, is an experienced transition evaluator and vocational counselor. While she is well-versed in supporting a wide range of transition-aged youth, she is especially passionate and knowledgeable in helping clients and their families navigate the complex systems of adult services and benefits as well as medical and mental health systems. She is further adept in working individually with students of all abilities to empower self-advocacy and goal achievement.


To schedule an appointment with one of NESCA’s expert transition specialists or neuropsychologists, please complete our online intake form


NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; the greater Burlington, Vermont region; and Brooklyn, NY (coaching services only), serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email or call 617-658-9800.


The Power of Mindset

By | NESCA Notes 2024

By: Carly Loureiro, MSW, LCSW
Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Executive Function Coach

Phrases like “mind over matter,” “the glass is half full,” and “making lemonade out of lemons,” are more than just popular sayings; they capture the essence of having a positive mindset. With the complexities that everyday life can bring, maintaining a positive mindset can feel overwhelming. Negative thoughts and emotions often creep in, clouding our judgment and affecting our mental health. Learning how to maintain a positive mindset can help individuals overcome these negative thoughts, leading to a decrease in anxiety and depression symptoms, higher self-esteem, as well as improved physical well-being and interpersonal relationships. Those needing assistance in gaining control of their mindset should consider Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a therapeutic intervention that can aid in strengthening this skill, leading to desired outcomes.

Understanding Mindset

A mindset is a set of beliefs or attitudes that shape how we perceive and respond to situations. Broadly, mindset can be categorized as positive or negative:

  • Positive Mindset: Involves seeing challenges as opportunities, maintaining optimism, and focusing on potential rather than limitations.
  • Negative Mindset: Involves focusing on problems, expecting unfavorable outcomes, and feeling overwhelmed by obstacles.

Mindset shapes our internal dialogue and emotional responses, such as how we react to challenges. A positive mindset promotes constructive thoughts and emotions, leading to feelings of hope, joy, and contentment. For example, someone with a positive mindset is more likely to engage in proactive coping strategies, such as going for a walk, engaging in positive self-talk, and practicing mindfulness and gratitude. Conversely, a negative mindset can foster destructive thoughts and emotions, leading to avoidance, self-sabotage, or other harmful behaviors.

The Role of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a powerful and effective psychotherapeutic treatment that helps individuals understand how their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected. A CBT therapist helps clients learn new skills and strategies to gain more control of their thoughts, leading to a happier and healthier approach to problem solving. CBT is widely used to treat a range of mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, phobias, and PTSD.

See below a visual of the cognitive triangle, often used to help people better understand the concept of CBT and how it applies to their own personal experiences:

Components of CBT That Contribute to Positive Mindset:

  1. Self-awareness: Becoming aware of your thought patterns and where they originated, noticing when you tend to think negatively, and really understanding how it influences your feelings and behaviors
  2. Cognitive Reframing: Challenging negative thought patterns when you notice them and replacing them with thoughts that are more positive, leading to actions that are productive
  3. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: In order to gain more control of your thoughts, incorporating mindfulness and relaxation techniques can help individuals reset and shift their thinking patterns
  4. Gratitude Practice: Regularly reflecting on things you’re grateful for can also help shift your focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant in your life, increasing motivation and self-esteem
  5. Positive Affirmations: Reinforcing your self-worth and capabilities with positive affirmations
  6. Homework: CBT therapists may assign tasks to be completed in between sessions in order to practice newly learned skills

An Example:

Tanya, a ninth grade student, has an upcoming history final. Final exams tend to be difficult, as her slower processing speed impacts her ability to grasp a magnitude of details. With her executive function coach, Tanya has learned new ways to memorize larger quantities of information, such as making associations and using mnemonic devices and visuals. In the past, prior to a test or quiz, Tanya got stuck in negative thinking patterns, such as telling herself she will not get a passing score, or that she isn’t smart enough. These negative thoughts would make her feel hopeless, inadequate, and self-conscious. Before the test or quiz, she’d become distracted by these thoughts, not putting forth her best effort, resulting in scores that didn’t reflect her knowledge.

Tanya began working with a CBT therapist to help her mitigate the impact of her performance anxiety. By incorporating mindfulness, gratitude, and thought log exercises (see examples below), she learned how to reframe unhelpful thoughts into productive ones, leading to scores that matched her knowledge and skill set. Instead of telling herself, “I won’t pass this test,” she’d tell herself, “I studied for this test, therefore I have the knowledge and my score will reflect that!” By shifting her mindset and correcting the negative thoughts, Tanya learned the impact they had on her performance. She’s now learning how to apply these strategies to all of her academic classes to normalize having a positive mindset.

Examples of Exercises:

Mindfulness exercise: Each morning while eating breakfast, Tanya listens to a quick 2-minute guided meditation, helping her become more present and ready for the day, moving away from negative thoughts that could impede her success.

Gratitude exercise: Tanya completes a prompt in her gratitude journal before bed, reflecting on daily highlights, such as something that made her smile that day, or a way she helped a friend or classmate.

Thought log exercise: Tanya’s therapist created a thought log for her to challenge her negative thoughts when she found herself experiencing them, and replacing them with an uplifting thought.

Looking for support in this area?

Negative thoughts can be difficult to overcome alone. If you are interested in CBT to receive support in gaining control of harmful thinking patterns, you can book a free introductory call with me by filling out our online intake form.


About the Author

Carly Loureiro is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Having worked both in private practice and schools, she has extensive experience supporting students, families and educational teams to make positive changes. Mrs. Loureiro provides executive function coaching and psychotherapy to clients ranging from middle school through adulthood. She also offers consultation to schools and families in order to support her clients across home and community environments.

To schedule an appointment with one of NESCA’s counselors, coaches, or other experts, please complete our online intake form

NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; and staff in the greater Burlington, Vermont region and Brooklyn, New York, serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email or call 617-658-9800.


How to Use a Neuropsychological Evaluation Report from NESCA

By | NESCA Notes 2024

By: Erin Gibbons, Ph.D.
Pediatric Neuropsychologist, NESCA

A neuropsychological evaluation is a big investment of your time and financial resources. At the end of the process, you are provided with a lengthy report. You might think, “Now what? How do I use this report?”

At NESCA, we pride ourselves on writing reports that are comprehensive and highly individualized to each client. We always recommend sharing the report with people who work with your student, including pediatricians, schools, and private providers (e.g., therapists, speech-language pathologists, etc.). In many cases, the report includes a clinical diagnosis or diagnoses. Other providers often need to see those diagnoses in writing in order for the student to “qualify” for services.

In the short-term, the report should be used to seek services that the student needs. This often includes working with the student’s school to ensure that the student is receiving any necessary academic, social, or emotional supports. The report includes specific, explicit recommendations, such as the type of classroom the student needs, what interventions should be happening during the school day (e.g., reading instruction, speech/language therapy, occupational therapy), whether or not they need access to counseling services, and so on. By having all of those recommendations laid out in the report, families can then advocate for their student effectively.

Aside from the school setting, NESCA reports can be used to access services privately. This might include academic, therapeutic, or behavioral interventions. Managed care organizations often require specific types of documentation in order to access insurance-based services. By having a written report that includes clinical diagnoses and specific recommendations, this essentially acts as a prescription for services.

NESCA reports can also be useful for long-term planning and progress monitoring over time. The report captures the student’s current profile and provides recommendations for what should be done to address areas of weakness, with the goal of improving the student’s prognosis. An evaluation is typically considered to be valid for the next 2-3 years. At that point, it will be important for the student to be evaluated again to see whether there has been progress and, if not, what changes need to be made to the interventions in order for them to be more effective.


About the Author

Erin Gibbons, Ph.D. is a pediatric neuropsychologist with expertise in neurodevelopmental and neuropsychological assessment of infants,

children, and adolescents presenting with developmental disabilities including autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, and attention deficit disorders. She has a particular interest in assessing students with complex medical histories and/or neurological impairments, including those who are cognitively delayed, nonverbal, or physically disabled. Dr. Gibbons joined NESCA in 2011 after completing a two-year post-doctoral fellowship in the Developmental Medicine Center at Boston Children’s Hospital. She particularly enjoys working with young children, especially those who are transitioning from Early Intervention into preschool. Having been trained in administration of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), Dr. Gibbons has experience diagnosing autism spectrum disorders in children aged 12 months and above.

If you are interested in booking an evaluation with a NESCA neuropsychologist/clinician, please fill out and submit our online intake form

Neuropsychology & Education Services for Children & Adolescents (NESCA) is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Hingham, and Plainville, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; and staff in Burlington, Vermont and Brooklyn, NY, serving clients from preschool through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email or call 617-658-9800.

When Average Doesn’t Feel Like Average

By | NESCA Notes 2024

By: Yvonne Asher, Ph.D.
NESCA Pediatric Neuropsychologist

When we conduct a neuropsychological evaluation with a child, adolescent, or adult, one important component involves administering a battery of assessments. This is certainly not the only, or many times the most important, component, but it is part of the unique skill set of a neuropsychologist. A large percentage of these assessments are interpreted by comparing an individual’s performance to the performance of others who are similar in age. For example, we may compare an 8-year-old’s reading skills to the reading skills of a nationally-representative sample of 8-year-olds. This comparison helps us to understand if the child’s reading skills are generally below their peers, about at the same level as their peers, or above the level of their peers.

A nationally-representative sample of children may not be the most salient comparison for some families. In fact, the concerns that bring parents to a neuropsychologist in the first place can often include comparing their child to friends’ children, classmates, or other children in their community. This is an almost inescapable process. As parents, it is nearly impossible not to compare children – meeting milestones, academic skills, temperament, behavior, sociability, etc. Although it can have significant negative impact when done in front of a child or in a detrimental manner (e.g., “Why can’t you be more like Johnny?” “Susie has already figured that out and she’s younger than you!”), comparing your child to others can be valuable in specific circumstances. Many parents have little experience with child development before having children, and the children in their community and friend group can serve as helpful “guideposts” for what to expect at different ages. Many times, a parent has brought concerns to a neuropsychological evaluation along the lines of “my child seems different than my friends’ children/nieces and nephews/other kids at daycare,” and I have confirmed a significant disability or disorder was present. Parental instincts are valuable and can be an important first step.

However, there are times where comparing a child to a very specific set of other children can be a fraught process, particularly when seeking neuropsychological evaluation. Parents may live in an area or socialize with a group of families who are far from the nationally-representative samples that we utilize in our evaluations. Cousins and the children of close friends may have unusually well-developed skills, unusually calm or easy-going temperaments, or unusually easy progress through school. Children may be learning in a school environment that is extremely competitive, the result of a highly selective admissions process, or inaccessible to most of the general population. Any or all of these can make a child seem more impaired than neuropsychological assessments may indicate.

This is certainly not to discount valid, important parent concerns. A child who is far behind their classmates, even when those classmates are part of a highly selective school environment with academic expectations far beyond most schools, is still struggling and may be suffering. What is vital for parents to understand is the profile of their own child, and from where the challenges that they see are coming. A mismatch between a child and their environment, be it a social environment or an academic environment, can still result in real, impactful struggles – even if the child appears “average” on neuropsychological assessment measures.


About the Author

Dr. Yvonne M. Asher enjoys working with a wide range of children and teens, including those with autism spectrum disorder, developmental delays, learning disabilities, attention difficulties and executive functioning challenges. She often works with children whose complex profiles are not easily captured by a single label or diagnosis. She particularly enjoys working with young children and helping parents through their “first touch” with mental health care or developmental concerns.

Dr. Asher’s approach to assessment is gentle and supportive, and recognizes the importance of building rapport and trust. When working with young children, Dr. Asher incorporates play and “games” that allow children to complete standardized assessments in a fun and engaging environment.

Dr. Asher has extensive experience working in public, charter and religious schools, both as a classroom teacher and psychologist. She holds a master’s degree in education and continues to love working with educators. As a psychologist working in public schools, she gained invaluable experience with the IEP process from start to finish. She incorporates both her educational and psychological training when formulating recommendations to school teams.

Dr. Asher attended Swarthmore College and the Jewish Theological Seminary. She completed her doctoral degree at Suffolk University, where her dissertation looked at the impact of starting middle school on children’s social and emotional wellbeing. After graduating, she completed an intensive fellowship at the MGH Lurie Center for Autism, where she worked with a wide range of children, adolescents and young adults with autism and related disorders.


NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; and staff in the greater Burlington, Vermont region and Brooklyn, NY, serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email or call 617-658-9800.


To book an appointment with a NESCA clinician, please complete our Intake Form today. For more information about NESCA, please email or call 617-658-9800.


Busting a Common Autism Myth

By | NESCA Notes 2024

By Miranda Milana, Psy.D.
Pediatric Neuropsychologist

I often hear from parents and caregivers that their child has several friends and likes going to social events, leading them to wonder how they could have autism.

First, let’s take a look at what autism is:

Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder classified by persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction skills.

To meet criteria for an autism spectrum disorder, one must exhibit the following social communication deficits across multiple contexts:

  1. Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity—this may include feeling unsure or uncomfortable when approaching others, having difficulty initiating social interactions, or having difficulty responding appropriately when approached by others. When engaged in conversation with others, it may be difficult to engage in back-and-forth conversation and share interests/emotions.
  2. Deficits in nonverbal communication skills—examples include poor eye contact, poorly integrated gestures in conversation, reduced facial expressions, difficulty reading the facial expressions and gestures of others, and not picking up on subtle body language cues.
  3. Deficits initiating, maintaining, and understanding relationships—characterized by difficulties making new friends, not wanting to engage with peers in any capacity, or difficulties maintaining long lasting friendships.

One must also demonstrate evidence of at least two of the following: repetitive behaviors, inflexibility/rigidity, restricted and intense interests, and sensory sensitivities.

Next, let’s look at what autism isn’t:

While individuals with autism experience social challenges, it is a common misconception that having autism means not having any friends or social skills at all. Contrary to this popular misconception, I evaluate many children, adolescents, and adults who are on the autism spectrum, are socially motivated, and have numerous friendships.

It is important to remember that while a diagnosis of autism requires social communication deficits, that does not mean a complete lack of skills must be evident. For example, I see many individuals on the autism spectrum who have several longstanding friendships but have difficulty making new friends. Conversely, some individuals find that they initiate friendships well, but have difficulty maintaining friendships over time. It is also possible for an autistic individual to demonstrate appropriate eye contact and facial expressions but have difficulty reading subtle nonverbal cues of others. With high social motivation, it still may be challenging to know how to participate in social conversation, how to build on the interests of others, and how to respond to emotional reactions.

Individuals with high-functioning autism often get overlooked as they have learned to “mask” or “camouflage” really well. That is to say that they work hard to “fit in” or hide areas of vulnerability. It might not feel comfortable for them to participate in group conversations or to interpret nonliteral language. They may feel as though there are written social rules that everyone else has access to except for them. When observing them, it may appear as though they are social and well-integrated into social environments; however, they may report a vastly different internal experience.

Taken together, having an autism diagnosis does NOT mean there is a complete inability to form friendships or participate in social settings. Rather, aspects of social communication can be challenging and warrant supports and services designed to enhance these skills.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s social development, speak with your pediatrician and/or schedule an evaluation with one of our neuropsychologists at NESCA.


About the Author

Dr. Miranda Milana provides comprehensive evaluation services for children and adolescents with a wide range of concerns, including attention deficit disorders, communication disorders, intellectual disabilities, and learning disabilities. She particularly enjoys working with children and their families who have concerns regarding an autism spectrum disorder. Dr. Milana has received specialized training on the administration of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS).

Dr. Milana places great emphasis on adapting her approach to a child’s developmental level and providing a testing environment that is approachable and comfortable for them. She also values collaboration with families and outside providers to facilitate supports and services that are tailored to a child’s specific needs.

Before joining NESCA, Dr. Milana completed a two-year postdoctoral fellowship at Boston Children’s Hospital in the Developmental Medicine department, where she received extensive training in the administration of psychological and neuropsychological testing. She has also received assessment training from Beacon Assessment Center and The Brenner Center. Dr. Milana graduated with her B.A. from the University of New England and went on to receive her doctorate from William James College (WJC). She was a part of the Children and Families of Adversity and Resilience (CFAR) program while at WJC. Her doctoral training also included therapeutic services across a variety of settings, including an elementary school, the Family Health Center of Worcester and at Roger Williams University.

Dr. Milana grew up in Maine and enjoys trips back home to see her family throughout the year. She currently resides in Wrentham, Massachusetts, with her husband and two golden retrievers. She also enjoys spending time with family and friends, reading, and cheering on the Patriots, Bruins, Red Sox, and Celtics.​

To book an appointment with Dr. Miranda Milana or another expert NESCA neuropsychologist, please complete our Intake Form today. 

NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; the greater Burlington, Vermont region; and Brooklyn, New York (coaching services only) serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email or call 617-658-9800.