Exciting announcement! NESCA is accepting clients for home- and/or community-based Real-life Skills and Executive Function Coaching with Leah Bridge, MSOT, OTR. Leah is available for in-person occupational therapy (OT) and coaching services in the Newton, MA and Central MA areas. NESCA’s team of coaches offer Real-life Skills, Executive Function, Functional OT and Parent/Caregiver Coaching remotely for those outside of the Newton area. To learn more or book coaching services, complete our Intake Form.



Girl with Down Syndrome in a job training

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)

By | NESCA Notes 2024

Girl with Down Syndrome in a job trainingBy: Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS
Director of Transition Services, NESCA

Did you know that vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies are required to provide services to students with disabilities in order to prepare them for future employment?

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), enacted in 2014, mandates Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS), which may be provided through VR agencies, contracted community partners, or even schools.

And importantly, Pre-ETS services are available to all students with disabilities, not just those on IEPs.

There are five key components of Pre-ETS:

  1. Job Exploration Counseling: Helps students understand various career options and what is required for different jobs.
  2. Work-Based Learning Experiences: Provides opportunities for students to gain practical, hands-on work experience through internships, job shadowing, or apprenticeships.
  3. Counseling on Post-Secondary Education: Assists students in exploring post-secondary education options, such as college or vocational training, and understanding the necessary steps to achieve their educational goals.
  4. Workplace Readiness Training: Focuses on developing essential skills needed for employment, such as communication, problem-solving, and social skills.
  5. Instruction in Self-Advocacy: Teaches students how to advocate for themselves, including understanding their rights and responsibilities, and how to request accommodations in the workplace or educational settings.

Pre-ETS benefits students in several ways:

  • Enhances students’ understanding of career and education options
  • Provides exposure to real-world work environments
  • Develops essential soft skills required for employment
  • Helps promote confidence and independence
  • Supports a smoother transition from school to adulthood

By participating in Pre-ETS, students with disabilities can better prepare for their future, ensuring they have the skills and knowledge needed to achieve their career and life goals.

If you want more information about Pre-ETS in any state, you can try some of the following steps:

  1. Visit your state VR web site: https://rsa.ed.gov/about/states
  2. Google it! Use key terms like “Pre-Employment Transition Services [state name]”
  3. See if your state department of education or special education agency has information about Pre-ETS on their web site
  4. Ask your local school district

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services recently published guidance with additional information about Vocational Rehabilitation, Pre-ETS, and Transition Services. To download a copy of the guidance, visit: Coordinating-Transition-Services-and-Postsecondary-Access.pdf


About the Author
Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, is an expert transition specialist and national speaker with over 20 years of experience supporting youth andKelley Challen headshot young adults with diverse developmental and learning abilities. Since 2013, she has served as Director of Transition Services at NESCA, offering individualized transition assessments, planning, consultation, coaching, and program development. She specializes in working with students with complex profiles who may not engage with traditional testing tools or programs. Ms. Challen holds a BA in Psychology and a Minor in Hispanic Studies from The College of William and Mary, along with a Master’s and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Risk and Prevention Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is a member of CEC, DCDT, and COPAA, believing it’s vital for all IEP participants to have accurate information about transition planning. Ms. Challen has also been actively involved in the MA DESE IEP Improvement Project, mentored candidates in UMass Boston’s Transition Leadership Program, and co-authored a chapter in Technology Tools for Students with Autism.

To schedule an appointment with one of NESCA’s transition specialists, please complete our online intake form

NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; the greater Burlington, Vermont region; and Brooklyn, NY (coaching services only) serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email info@nesca-newton.com or call 617-658-9800.

Someone moving freely, symbolizing transition

Five Good Reasons to Choose NESCA for Transition Assessment and Services

By | NESCA Notes 2024

Someone moving freely, symbolizing transitionBy: Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS
Director of Transition Services, NESCA

  1. Expert Clinicians with Specialized Training
    Our team of transition specialists brings decades of experience supporting teens and young adults with a wide range of needs, from mild to complex. As Director of Transition Services, I have closely trained and supervised each of our specialists. Together, we have multidisciplinary expertise spanning guidance counseling, school psychology, special education, occupational therapy, and vocational rehabilitation counseling. This breadth of knowledge allows us to deeply understand each student’s needs as they relate to postsecondary living, learning, training, and working. Additionally, our team collaborates with NESCA’s neuropsychologists and other expert clinicians, ensuring every assessment is thorough, individualized, and aligned with best practices.
  2. Comprehensive, Individualized Approach
    We believe transition planning should be as unique as each student we serve. Assessment at NESCA always begins with a thorough intake and record review to build a complete picture of the student’s known abilities and areas of need—and an understanding of what must be uncovered through the evaluation process. We combine formal and informal tools, functional evaluations, and input from students, families, schools, and other providers. We also offer situational assessments in school, home, and community environments. This comprehensive approach ensures we uncover meaningful goals and develop actionable strategies to support postsecondary success.
  3. Clear, Comprehensive Recommendations
    Transition assessments lay the foundation for effective transition planning and IEP services. NESCA’s evaluations clearly identify measurable postsecondary goals in the required areas of living, learning and/or training, and employment. We take the time to uncover students’ strengths, preferences, and interests while providing tailored recommendations for the instruction, services, community experiences, and progress monitoring needed to progress toward their goals. Our expertise extends to essential areas, such as planning for age of majority, course of study, and graduation timelines, and we always fully adhere to special education guidelines as independent evaluators.
  4. A Culture of Collaboration and Support
    Collaboration is at the heart of NESCA’s approach. Our clinicians meet regularly to share insights and strategies, ensuring every evaluation reflects our collective expertise. We also maintain strong connections with schools, agencies, and community resources, providing families with actionable plans and ongoing guidance. Transition planning requires teamwork, and we want to be active members of our students’ teams. We’re here to support schools and families, whether through team meetings, follow-up evaluations, ongoing coaching, or consultations at key points in a student’s journey.
  5. Empowering Youth, Families, and Schools
    At NESCA, we prioritize the student’s voice. We empower students to foster self-determination, independence, and confidence as they prepare for the future. We also recognize the critical roles of families and educators in the process, ensuring their perspectives are included and valued. NESCA’s transition assessments provide not just a roadmap but the tools, understanding, and collaboration needed to move forward with purpose.


About the Author
Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, is an expert transition specialist and national speaker with over 20 years of experience supporting youth andKelley Challen headshot young adults with diverse developmental and learning abilities. Since 2013, she has served as Director of Transition Services at NESCA, offering individualized transition assessments, planning, consultation, coaching, and program development. She specializes in working with students with complex profiles who may not engage with traditional testing tools or programs. Ms. Challen holds a BA in Psychology and a Minor in Hispanic Studies from The College of William and Mary, along with a Master’s and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Risk and Prevention Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is a member of CEC, DCDT, and COPAA, believing it’s vital for all IEP participants to have accurate information about transition planning. Ms. Challen has also been actively involved in the MA DESE IEP Improvement Project, mentored candidates in UMass Boston’s Transition Leadership Program, and co-authored a chapter in Technology Tools for Students with Autism.

To schedule an appointment with one of NESCA’s transition specialists, please complete our online intake form

NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; the greater Burlington, Vermont region; and Brooklyn, NY (coaching services only) serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email info@nesca-newton.com or call 617-658-9800.

Individualized Education program written on blocks, IEP Symbol

Guide to Transition Planning and the New Massachusetts IEP

By | NESCA Notes 2024

Individualized Education program written on blocks, IEP SymbolBy: Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS
Director of Transition Services, NESCA

Transition planning has long been a critical component of special education, mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004). Its purpose is to prepare students for life beyond high school in the areas of postsecondary education and/or training, employment, and independent living. While federal law requires transition services to begin at age 16, Massachusetts has gone a step further, requiring that postsecondary goals and transition services be included in a student’s individualized education program (IEP) by age 14.

However, the previous Massachusetts IEP format made it difficult to effectively integrate transition planning. Even with the introduction of a Transition Planning Form (TPF) to facilitate discussions, there was no consistent practice for embedding contents of the TPF into the IEP itself.  As a result, much of the transition planning that was included ended up in the “additional information” section, limiting its visibility and coherence within the broader IEP process.

After over a decade of development, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) released a new IEP document last school year, which all districts are required to adopt during the 2024-2025 academic year. One of the most promising features of this new IEP is its heightened emphasis on transition planning, now driven more clearly by the student’s vision and voice. Notably, the new format embeds transition planning directly into the structure of the IEP, making transition assessments a more visible and integral part of the process. While the legal requirements for transition planning remain unchanged, the new IEP format makes it easier to document these critical steps, ensuring that important aspects of transition planning are not overlooked.

So, what’s important to know about transition planning in the New MA IEP?

Student Voice and Vision are Up Front
One of the most significant improvements in the new IEP is its emphasis on the student’s voice and future vision. The “concerns” section is clearly labeled Student and Parent Concerns, empowering students to express what they want out of their IEP process. This is immediately followed by the Student and Team Vision, placing the student’s aspirations firmly at the center of the IEP process. Students ages 3-13 are encouraged to participate in visioning, fostering earlier goal setting, and encouraging teams to think explicitly about the student’s goals at younger ages. For students who will be ages 14-22, the IEP now more explicitly asks for the student’s postsecondary goals in key planning areas: education and/or training, employment, and independent living. This focus ensures that the IEP reflects the student’s ambitions and drives a more outcome-oriented process for postsecondary success.

Disability Categories are Transparent
The new IEP introduces a more transparent Student Profile section, where teams no longer need to select one “primary” disability category, making a student’s full profile more visible to all team members. While students can participate in the IEP process without fully understanding their disabilities, they can be more fully engaged if they know that they have one or more disabilities as defined by IDEA. Learning to disclose their disability and understand how it affects their learning, work, and daily life is a critical component of the transition process, empowering students to self-advocate and seek the supports they need. The transparency in the new IEP can help students gain a clearer understanding of the connection between their disabilities, their disability-related needs, and the accommodations and services they receive. Although transition-aged students are not required to participate in all aspects of their IEP, they must be invited when transition planning is discussed. Research shows that students who learn to lead their team meetings and self-advocate regarding their disabilities experience more success when transitioning to adulthood. This revision to the IEP offers a more balanced view of how multiple disabilities shape a student’s overall profile and enhances transparency in disability disclosure.

Assistive Technology as a Critical Component of the Student Profile
Assistive technology (AT) plays a vital role in helping students build independence and reduce reliance on prompting and support from adults or paid providers. The new IEP appropriately increases the visibility of assistive technology within the Student Profile. Whether used to support communication, mobility, learning, daily living skills, or work-related tasks, assistive technology empowers students to succeed both in school and in adulthood. The updated IEP format requires teams to specify whether these needs will be addressed through accommodations/modifications, goals/objectives, the service delivery grid, or another method, as documented in the Additional Information section. By thoroughly considering and documenting a student’s assistive technology needs, the IEP ensures students have access to the tools they need for greater independence and long-term success—a critical step in transition planning.

Life Skills and Self-Determination Can Be Explicitly Included at Early Ages
The new IEP organizes a student’s present levels of performance into four main areas—Academics, Behavior/Social/Emotional, Communication, and Additional Areas, including “activities of daily living.” Even before age 14, teams now have more explicit opportunities to describe strengths and needs in a broad range of areas that impact transition planning. Many students with disabilities require earlier planning and support to build independence in areas like personal care, home living, and community integration. When skill development takes longer, being thoughtful about life skills instruction, parent training, referrals to community resources, and assistive technology is crucial at earlier ages. While not explicitly in the document, the new format also provides an opportunity for teams to evaluate self-determination skills at younger ages. Self-determination—encompassing self-awareness, self-advocacy, self-efficacy, choice-making, decision-making, goal setting, and self-regulation—is one of the strongest predictors of successful transition to adulthood. Current performance with these skills can be addressed across various categories (Academics, Social, Communication) or as a key “Additional Area.”

Current Performance Levels for Transition Services are Built-in
A major improvement in the new IEP is the explicit integration of transition assessment data and transition services within the IEP itself. For students turning 14 to 22, the IEP now includes a dedicated postsecondary transition planning section, which can also be used earlier if the team determines transition planning should start sooner. This section starts with documentation of the student’s current performance, strengths, preferences, interests, and disability-related needs in each postsecondary planning area—education/training, employment, and community experiences/postschool independent living. All of this documentation is informed by transition assessment data. Teams will also specify whether accommodations/modifications, goals/objectives, services, or other activities—documented in Additional Information—are needed to support the student’s transition planning. This ensures that all team members know exactly where to find details on how transition services will be implemented. As a caveat, all skills developed through special education support transition planning; thus, all general content in the IEP is relevant. Teams can confidently reference other parts of the IEP when completing the Postsecondary Transition Planning section to avoid unnecessary duplication of content.

Course of Study and Projected Graduation/Exit Date are Centrally Documented
Federal law has always required teams to identify a “course of study” that aligns with the student’s postsecondary goals, but there was no obvious place to include this in the old IEP. The course of study—a semester-by-semester plan of the classes the student will take—is a critical part of transition planning. For instance, a student aspiring to become a doctor will likely need lab science and advanced mathematics in high school. The new IEP provides places for teams to document the student’s course of study, the anticipated type of completion document (diploma, certificate of attainment, etc.), the student’s expected graduation date, and the student’s progress toward meeting exit requirements. This information is essential for monitoring and informing transition planning and creates a clearer link between the student’s transcript and progress toward their individualized postsecondary goals.

Transfer of Rights and Decision-Making
Adult decision-making is a significant milestone, and the new IEP emphasizes discussing the Transfer of Rights at least a year before the student turns 18. The IEP now includes designated space to document when both the student and family have been provided notice of this transfer and a copy of procedural safeguards. In addition, the new IEP encourages teams to discuss and document the student’s Decision-Making Options for adulthood. Although this is a requirement once the student turns 18, its more visible presence in the IEP encourages earlier conversations. This is crucial, because preparing for adulthood may require putting legal, educational, medical, and financial decision-making frameworks in place—processes that can take time to complete.

Community and Interagency Connections
Transition planning takes a village, and a central part of effective planning is to build a supportive network that extends beyond the protections of special education. The new IEP includes a dedicated section for community and interagency connections, ensuring that teams discuss and document connections to community partners (such as independent living centers, job centers, pre-employment transition service providers, etc.) that are supporting the student. Additionally, the IEP incorporates prompts to ensure timely referrals to adult service agencies well before the student’s exit. In Massachusetts, Chapter 688 Referrals—referrals to adult human services to engage in transition planning for students who will need continued support—must be completed at least two years before the student’s expected exit from special education. The new IEP provides even more guidance to ensure that teams can make and document these referrals on time.

Final Thoughts

The new Massachusetts DESE IEP represents a significant advancement in integrating transition planning into the IEP process. As teams implement the new IEP, prioritizing adequate transition assessments will be crucial, as effective transition planning relies on thorough assessment processes that reflect each student’s strengths, needs, and aspirations for the future. The law requires the use of age-appropriate assessments to identify the student’s strengths, interests, preferences, disability-related needs, and, most of all, their postsecondary goals. Involving diverse voices, such as guidance counselors, is also essential for ensuring a seamless connection between a student’s course of study and postsecondary goals. While the law has not changed, the new IEP makes transition planning more transparent. More importantly, it places the student’s vision and voice at the forefront of the process.

Additional Resources

To download a PDF-Version of this Guide, visit https://nesca-newton.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Guide-to-Transition-Planning-and-the-New-MA-IEP.pdf 

About the Author
Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, is an expert transition specialist and national speaker with over 20 years of experience supporting youth andKelley Challen headshot young adults with diverse developmental and learning abilities. Since 2013, she has served as Director of Transition Services at NESCA, offering individualized transition assessments, planning, consultation, coaching, and program development. She specializes in working with students with complex profiles who may not engage with traditional testing tools or programs. Ms. Challen holds a BA in Psychology and a Minor in Hispanic Studies from The College of William and Mary, along with a Master’s and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Risk and Prevention Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is a member of CEC, DCDT, and COPAA, believing it’s vital for all IEP participants to have accurate information about transition planning. Ms. Challen has also been actively involved in the MA DESE IEP Improvement Project, mentored candidates in UMass Boston’s Transition Leadership Program, and co-authored a chapter in Technology Tools for Students with Autism.

To schedule an appointment with one of NESCA’s transition specialists, please complete our online intake form

NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; the greater Burlington, Vermont region; and Brooklyn, NY (coaching services only) serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email info@nesca-newton.com or call 617-658-9800.

Why is it so hard to develop Executive Function skills for college as a high school student?

By | NESCA Notes 2024

By: Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS
Director of Transition Services, NESCA

Students with disabilities often have challenges with executive function skills. These may include difficulties with organization, planning and prioritization, time management, task initiation, attention and effort, working memory, self-regulation, self-monitoring, and mental flexibility. Being successful as a college student often depends on using and integrating these skills. Therefore, it’s no surprise that most of the IEPs I read when working with teenage and young adult students have goals or objectives aimed at remediating executive function (EF) skills. However, many students on IEPs have these “EF” goals for years and still don’t effectively develop the skills they need to successfully manage executive functioning tasks as college students.

One of the reasons for the remaining skill gap when students matriculate to college is because high school student responsibilities are pretty radically different from college student responsibilities. While research indicates that individuals can continue developing executive function skills throughout the lifespan, this requires a very particular set of activities. Executive function skills develop through a combination of direct instruction and opportunities to practice using the learned skills with and without support. But there often are not opportunities for practicing the skills needed for college as a high school student.

Below is a list of executive function supports that exist in high school, but often disappear in college:

  • Classes are small and always taught by teachers
  • Class material is centralized in books or on the board in the classroom
  • Time is structured by the school
  • Students are told what they need to learn from homework
  • Students are reminded of assignments and due dates
  • Completed homework is checked by teachers
  • Reading is discussed in classes
  • Studying is limited to a few hours per week
  • Testing is frequent and covers small amounts of material
  • Teachers approach students who need help
  • Schools are required to find students with disabilities who need specialized instruction and accommodations
  • Parents and teachers will remind students of their responsibilities
  • Parents and teachers will help to set priorities (or simply set them for the student)
  • Parents and teachers will correct students when behavior is unexpected

In college, students may have large classes taught by other students or experts in their fields who aren’t experts on teaching. They have to use syllabi, manage their own schedules (with large swaths of unscheduled time), integrate academic materials from a wide range of sources, and self-direct long hours of reading and studying. They also have to be responsible for advocating for themselves, knowing when they need help, and knowing what they are responsible for (academically, socially, and in their dorms) and getting those things done without parent and teacher reminders. For students who have strengths with executive functioning, often the transition to college still presents a steep learning curve. But for those who have vulnerabilities in these areas, it can be critical to recognize that the gaps are large between these two learning environments, and sometimes additional support and instruction is necessary while students are taking college classes. Some students will still need to build effective academic and executive function skills, and practice and master those executive function skills, while they are in college and managing this new set of demands.

NESCA offers many services designed to help students bridge the transition from high school to college, including executive function coaching, pre-college coaching, transition planning, and neuropsychological evaluation. To learn more specifically about our coaching services, visit: https://nesca-newton.com/coaching-services/ . To schedule an appointment with one of our expert clinicians or coaches, please complete our intake at: https://nesca-newton.com/intake/ .


Many of the bulleted items of executive function supports that exist in high school are adapted from this high school versus college comparison by King’s College: https://www.kings.edu/admissions/high_school_vs_college


About the Author
Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, is an expert transition specialist and national speaker who has been engaged in evaluation, development, and direction of transition-focused programming for teenagers and young adults with a wide array of developmental and learning abilities since 2004. While Ms. Challen has special expertise in working with youth with autism, she enjoys working with students with a range of cognitive, learning, communication, social, emotional and/or behavioral needs.

Ms. Challen joined NESCA as Director of Transition Services in 2013. She believes that the transition to postsecondary adulthood activities such as learning, living, and working is an ongoing process–and that there is no age too early or too late to begin planning. Moreover, any transition plan should be person-centered, individualized and include steps beyond the completion of secondary school.

Through her role at NESCA, Ms. Challen provides a wide array of services including individualized transition assessment, planning, consultation, training, and program development services, as well as pre-college coaching. She is particularly skilled in providing transition assessment and consultation aimed at determining optimal timing for a student’s transition to college, technical training, adult learning, and/or employment as well as identifying and developing appropriate programs and services necessary for minimizing critical skill gaps.

Ms. Challen is one of the only professionals in New England who specializes in assisting families in selecting or developing programming as a steppingstone between special education and college participation and has a unique understanding of local postgraduate, pre-college, college support, college transition, postsecondary transition, and 18-22 programs. She is additionally familiar with a great number of approved high school and postsecondary special education placements for students from Massachusetts including public, collaborative, and private programs.

Ms. Challen enjoys the creative and collaborative problem-solving process necessary for successfully transitioning students with complex profiles toward independent adulthood. As such, she is regularly engaged in IEP Team Meetings, program consultations, and case management or student coaching as part of individualized post-12th grade programming. Moreover, she continually works to enhance and expand NESCA’s service offerings in order to meet the growing needs of the families, schools and communities we serve.

When appropriate, Ms. Challen has additionally provided expert witness testimony for families and school districts engaged in due process hearings or engaged in legal proceedings centering on transition assessment, services and/or programming—locally and nationally.

Nearly two decades ago, Ms. Challen began her work with youth with special needs working as a counselor for children and adolescents at Camp Good Times, a former program of Milestones Day School. She then spent several years at the Aspire Program (a Mass General for Children program; formerly YouthCare) where she founded an array of social, life and career skill development programs for teens and young adults with Asperger’s Syndrome and related profiles. Also, she worked at the Northeast Arc as Program Director for the Spotlight Program, a drama-based social pragmatics program, serving youth with a wide range of diagnoses and collaborating with several school districts to design in-house social skill and transition programs.

Ms. Challen received her Master’s Degree and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Risk and Prevention Counseling from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. While training and obtaining certification as a school guidance counselor, she completed her practicum work at Boston Latin School focusing on competitive college counseling.

Ms. Challen has worked on multiple committees involved in the Massachusetts DESE IEP Improvement Project, served as a Mentor for the Transition Leadership Program at UMass Boston, participated as a member of B-SET Boston Workforce Development Task Force, been an ongoing member of the Program Committee for the Association for Autism and Neurodiversity (AANE), and is a member of the New Hampshire Transition State Community of Practice (COP).

She is also co-author of the chapter, “Technologies to Support Interventions for Social-Emotional Intelligence, Self-Awareness, Personality Style, and Self-Regulation,” for the book Technology Tools for Students with Autism: Innovations that Enhance Independence and Learning.

To schedule an appointment with one of NESCA’s transition specialists, please complete our online intake form

NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; the greater Burlington, Vermont region; and Brooklyn, NY (coaching services only) serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email info@nesca-newton.com or call 617-658-9800.

Transition Goals: What are they and why do they matter in the IEP process?

By | NESCA Notes 2024

By: Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS
Director of Transition Services; Transition Specialist

As an evaluator and consultant, I spend a lot of time in team meetings. Usually, I expect to be invited to more of these at the beginning of the school year when teams meet to review assessments or important changes that have occurred during summer months. But May and June are also times when teams cram in meetings, especially for high school students who may be close to exiting public education. Therefore, it seems timely to write my blog on transition goals and their role in the IEP process.

For all students with individualized educational programs (IEPs), teams are accustomed to writing and implementing annual goals. But, for students 16 and older (or students who live in states where transition planning starts earlier such as students 14 and above in Massachusetts), their IEP process also needs to include transition goals. What is confusing about transition goals is that we commonly used this verbiage to describe a few different components of the IEP for transition-aged students.

In my opinion, the most important transition goals, are the measurable postsecondary goals, that are included in the IEP. These describe the outcomes that a team expects for the student to achieve after exiting public education and are based on the student’s own strengths, preferences, interests and vision. Every IEP across the country must include measurable postsecondary goals. In Massachusetts, postsecondary goals are documented in the student’s vision statement at the start of the IEP. For transition-aged students, the vision statement needs to include explicit statements about the outcomes that are expected for the student in transition planning areas. Postsecondary goals for education and/or training as well as employment are required for all students on IEPs, and many students will also have independent living and community participation goals. However, postsecondary goals and transition services are document differently in many states and it is important to familiarize yourself with the location of a student’s postsecondary goals in your own state’s IEP.

Below is a formula for writing a postsecondary goal that is adapted from the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C):

Within 2 months of graduation, Joseph will participate in supported employment training and community-based training with assistance from MA Department of Developmental Services. A few examples of measurable postsecondary goals are included below:

  • After earning her diploma, Sarah will attend a four-year college in Massachusetts or New Hampshire (and major in education or child development).
  • After graduation, Tom will work part-time at TJ Maxx with support from his coworkers and supervisor.
  • After high school, Joseph will use public transportation (e.g., subway, bus) to get to and from his apprenticeship.

Unlike annual goals, measurable postsecondary goals are not goals that will be achieved in the calendar year or even while the student is on an IEP. However, there is another type of “transition goal” that is closely related. Once an IEP team has clearly defined a student’s postsecondary goals, they are required to identify transition services that the student will need to make progress toward these goals. When the IEP is developed, the IEP must include annual IEP goals that clearly and directly relate to the student’s postsecondary goals and transition service needs. For example, a student who wants to attend college may need annual goals related to building executive functioning, self-advocacy and college-level academic skills; while a student who wants to use human service supports for community-based employment may need to build communication, self-regulation and work readiness skills. Annual IEP goals should be based on the student’s disability-related needs and also their postsecondary goals—Given the student’s disabilities, what skills does the student need to build this year to be able to attain their postsecondary goals in the future?

Special education is about preparing students for future education, employment, independent living and community engagement. Measurable postsecondary goals are how we make sure that special education is individualized for each student, and transition-related annual IEP goals are how we make sure we are progressing toward the postsecondary goals. When we know what the student wants for their adult postsecondary life, we can use the IEP process to help the student build academic and functional skills that can support the student in achieving that vision.

The next time you look at an IEP, take a look at the vision statement (or the section where your state records measurable postsecondary goals). Can you clearly tell what the student wants to do after high school? Are there both employment and education or training goals included? What about independent living and community engagement? These measurable postsecondary goals are the goalposts that provide direction for the IEP process and ensure that the team is working together to facilitate the student’s progress toward a meaningful adult life.

This link to a presenter’s guide for a presentation on Indicator 13 from NTACT:C is also a great resource for understanding the role of postsecondary goals and annual goals in the IEP process as outlined in IDEA: https://transitionta.org/indicator-13-presenter-guide/

For more information about postsecondary goals and annual IEP goals in Massachusetts, check out Technical Assistance Advisory SPED 2013-1: Postsecondary Goals and Annual IEP Goals in the Transition Planning Process from MA DESE: http://www.doe.mass.edu/sped/advisories/13_1ta.html. However, please note that the IEP will be changing in Massachusetts in Fall 2024 and postsecondary goals will be written on the first page of the document.


About the Author:

Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, is an expert transition specialist and national speaker who has been engaged in evaluation, development, and direction of transition-focused programming for teenagers and young adults with a wide array of developmental and learning abilities since 2004. Since 2013, Ms. Challen has served as Director of Transition Services at NESCA, where she provides an extensive array of services including individualized transition assessment, planning, consultation, pre-college coaching, training, and program development services. She is particularly skilled in providing transition assessment and consultation for students with complex profiles who may not be able to engage easily with traditional and standardized testing tools. Ms. Challen received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology as well as a Minor in Hispanic Studies from The College of William and Mary. She pursued her Master’s Degree and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Risk and Prevention Counseling from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. Ms. Challen has been actively involved in the MA DESE IEP Improvement Project, is a member of the Association of Autism and Neurodiversity (AANE) Program Committee and has mentored multiple transition specialist candidates in the Transition Leadership Certificate Program at UMass Boston. She is also co-author of the chapter, “Technologies to Support Interventions for Social-Emotional Intelligence, Self-Awareness, Personality Style, and Self-Regulation,” for the book Technology Tools for Students with Autism: Innovations that Enhance Independence and Learning. She is also the mother of two children and two puggles who continually help with her inventive and flexible thinking!

To schedule an appointment with one of NESCA’s transition specialists, please complete our online intake form.

NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; the greater Burlington, Vermont region; and Brooklyn, NY (coaching services only) serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email info@nesca-newton.com or call 617-658-9800.

October is Gap Year Exploration Month – Why Should Teens on IEPs Care?

By | NESCA Notes 2024

By: Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS
Director of Transition Services, NESCA

Last September, I received an email from a colleague with the title May I nominate you? The body of the email described that October is Gap Year Exploration Month (GYEM) and asked if I would be willing to be a GYEM Amplifier, meaning would I be willing to share information with my personal and professional network to create awareness about gap years and increase student consideration of gap years as one of their post-secondary options. This was an easy “YES!” for me because I have spent the majority of my career trying to help students and families who I work with to understand that there are many other options besides college, or before college, for students to pursue after high school. A common recommendation that I make for 10th- and 11th-grade students on IEPs is to have a specific goal and objectives that will help to enhance their understanding of a variety of post-12th grade options so that the can make an informed and active choice about their post-high school activities.

In the United States, every student who is on an IEP has the right to postsecondary transition planning. This is a process by which a young person is supported in the setting of goals and expectations for themselves and in building the skills and resources that will enable them to reach those goals. This should be a completely individualized process. However, in working with a large number of clients in Massachusetts and other Northeast states, I have observed that most middle and high school students have the same postsecondary vision: College. There is a strong consensus that college is the only goal to reach after high school, rather than an important step that leads to gainful employment in an area of strength, interest, or aptitude. Students with and without disabilities often know that they want to go to college (or that they are expected to go to college), but they have no career goals or sense about whether a college degree will actually benefit them in finding employment related to their aptitudes. Despite the data, most young people (and their parents) simply take as fact that college is what you do after high school. So how do we empower students to better manage the transition process? First and foremost, we need to start discussing career development, and to help our youth to understand the wide range of postsecondary options available to them, at earlier ages. A bachelor’s degree is one academic pursuit that has a place for many students, but for a great number of students, it is not the best immediate option available after high school. There are many other options worth exploring, such as two-year college programs, vocational or certificate programs, apprenticeships, military, employment, and gap year programs. So today, let’s talk about those gap year programs!

What is a gap year? A gap year is a deliberate period of personal growth typically taken by students after high school and before post-secondary education or career. During a gap year, individuals engage in various activities that foster personal growth, skill development, and exploration of different paths before committing to further education or career choices. These activities may include volunteering, interning, traveling, working, learning new skills, or pursuing other forms of experiential learning. The purpose of a gap year is to gain valuable life experiences, expand one’s perspective, and make informed decisions about future educational and career endeavors.

What can you do on a gap year? The options are endless! Gappers can choose from structured programs like service learning or volunteer projects, or pursue independent activities, such as interning, hiking, or working on organic farms. There are opportunities both within the US and abroad.

Is a gap year expensive? A meaningful gap year can be planned on various budgets. Students can offset costs through work, fundraising, scholarships, and financial aid. Some gap year programs accept funds from 529 Plans. Moreover, gap year students often graduate from college in less time, potentially saving families money in the long run. Explore a comprehensive list of scholarships here.

What are the evidence-based benefits of taking a gap year?

  • Academic Success: Recent studies show that gap year students outperform traditional students academically when they enter college.
  • Employability Boost: 88% of gap year graduates report that their experience significantly enhances their employability.
  • Personal Development: 98% of gap year graduates claim that their gap year helped them grow as a person.
  • Career Exploration: 60% of gap year graduates credit their experience with either confirming their choice of career or setting them on their current path.

References for these statistics can be found here.

Can you still attend college after a gap year? According to the best data on this question, 90% of gap year students who intended to go to college enroll within a year of graduating high school.

How can I learn more about planning a gap year?

Seek guidance from your school counselor.

Attend local USA Gap Year Fairs or online events to meet with programs and gather more information.

Check out some of the following Articles/Videos:

Visit the web sites below:

Listen to a Podcast

Read a Book

Is a transition program the same thing as a gap year program? Not exactly. Postsecondary transition programs are typically programs for young adults with disabilities that target skill development in one or more transition planning areas: life skill development, vocational skill development, and/or readiness for college. Often, developing executive function and social skills is a strong emphasis of these programs. Some of these programs are therapeutic and target the mental health needs of the young adult while supporting skill development in transition planning areas. While some students will participate in transition programs or transitional living programs as gap experiences, transition programs are typically a different category of program. At NESCA, we specialize in helping families determine whether transition programming is needed beyond 12th grade and support families to find – or create –

postsecondary transition programs. We also coordinate with local specialists – Gap Year Consultants, College Consultants, and Therapeutic Educational Consultants—when students may need special expert support in any of those areas.

REFERENCE: Several of the FAQs in this blog are copied directly from GYEM: Digital Dispatch materials created by the Gap Year Association of America and distributed to Gap Year Exploration Month Amplifiers throughout the world.


About the Author
Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, is NESCA’s Director of Transition Services, overseeing planning, consultation, evaluation, coaching, case management, training and program development services. Ms. Challen also provides expert witness testimony in legal proceedings related to special education. She is also the Assistant Director of NESCA, working under Dr. Ann Helmus to support day-to-day operations of the practice. Ms. Challen began facilitating programs for children and adolescents with special needs in 2004. After receiving her Master’s Degree and Certificate of Advanced Study in Risk and Prevention Counseling from Harvard Graduate School of Education, Ms. Challen spent several years at the MGH Aspire Program where she founded an array of social, life and career skill development programs for teens and young adults with Asperger’s Syndrome and related profiles. She additionally worked at the Northeast Arc as Program Director for the Spotlight Program, a drama-based social pragmatics program, serving youth with a wide range of diagnoses and collaborating with several school districts to design in-house social skills and transition programs. Ms. Challen is co-author of the chapter “Technologies to Support Interventions for Social- Emotional Intelligence, Self-Awareness, Personality Style, and Self-Regulation” for the book Technology Tools for Students with Autism. She is also a proud mother of two energetic boys, ages six and three. While Ms. Challen has special expertise in supporting students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, she provides support to individuals with a wide range of developmental and learning abilities, including students with complex medical needs.

To schedule an appointment with one of NESCA’s transition specialists, please complete our online intake form

NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham (coming soon), Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; and the greater Burlington, Vermont region, serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email info@nesca-newton.com or call 617-658-9800.

Building Independence—How Independent Living Centers Can Help Youth with Disabilities

By | Nesca Notes 2023

By: Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS
Director of Transition Services, NESCA

Good transition planning is about building a “team” that can outlast special education and using resources wisely. There is often talk of “maximizing benefits” so that private funds can be reserved and made to last. In order to create an effective and individualized transition plan, you have to know what resources are available in your local community as well as on the state and federal levels. One resource that may be overlooked or underused is your local Center for Independent Living (CIL). In Massachusetts, and some other states, these are often named Independent Living Centers (ILC).

Across the United States, CILs are free community-based agencies that provide a range of services designed to help individuals with disabilities build skills for living more independently. The barrier to entry is typically very low as the intake process may sometimes just be a phone call and acknowledgement of having a disability.

At a minimum, each center is charged with providing the following core services:

  • Information and referral: Learning about services, providers, benefits, and programs within your local community that can help you achieve your goals (e.g., advocacy, daily living, housing, recreation, etc.). Also, learning about resources offered through state and national organizations.
  • Skills training: Explicit instruction of self-advocacy and/or life skills that can help you to live, learn, and work more independently. Examples areas for skill development include accommodations, personal care, housing and household management, managing finances, interview preparation, etc.
  • Peer counseling/mentoring: Talking with a peer by phone, video conference, or in person for mutual support, confidence building, and ultimately to make more independent and informed choices.
  • Advocacy: Learning to advocate on both individual and systems levels. Building skills to advocate for oneself, including filing complaints or taking legal action to remove barriers when needed.
  • Transition services: Services to facilitate transition to postsecondary adult life, services to facilitate transition from institutions to the community, and services to assist individuals at risk of needing to be in institutions.

Additionally, ILCs/CILs may have developed services that are specifically useful for consumers in their local community or state. And there is generally no age requirement for accessing services. For example, many ILCs in Massachusetts have specific youth programming or Transition to Adulthood Programs (TAPs) which offer advocacy, skills training, and peer counseling specifically tailored to students.

ILCs/CILs are awesome agencies run by, and for, individuals with disabilities. However, in my experience, they are not talked about or accessed nearly enough as part of transition planning. If you are reading the blog and interested in building independence at home and in the community for yourself, your child, or a youth you work with—I strongly recommend you look up your local Center for Independent Living and call to find out more about accessing services today.


Administration for Community Living – What is Independent Living?  https://acl.gov/programs/aging-and-disability-networks/centers-independent-living

ILRU Directory of Centers for Independent Living and Associations – https://www.ilru.org/projects/cil-net/cil-center-and-association-directory

Massachusetts Independent Living Centers – https://www.mass.gov/independent-living-centers


About the Author
Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, is NESCA’s Director of Transition Services, overseeing planning, consultation, evaluation, coaching, case management, training and program development services. Ms. Challen also provides expert witness testimony in legal proceedings related to special education. She is also the Assistant Director of NESCA, working under Dr. Ann Helmus to support day-to-day operations of the practice. Ms. Challen began facilitating programs for children and adolescents with special needs in 2004. After receiving her Master’s Degree and Certificate of Advanced Study in Risk and Prevention Counseling from Harvard Graduate School of Education, Ms. Challen spent several years at the MGH Aspire Program where she founded an array of social, life and career skill development programs for teens and young adults with Asperger’s Syndrome and related profiles. She additionally worked at the Northeast Arc as Program Director for the Spotlight Program, a drama-based social pragmatics program, serving youth with a wide range of diagnoses and collaborating with several school districts to design in-house social skills and transition programs. Ms. Challen is co-author of the chapter “Technologies to Support Interventions for Social- Emotional Intelligence, Self-Awareness, Personality Style, and Self-Regulation” for the book Technology Tools for Students with Autism. She is also a proud mother of two energetic boys, ages six and three. While Ms. Challen has special expertise in supporting students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, she provides support to individuals with a wide range of developmental and learning abilities, including students with complex medical needs.

To schedule an appointment with one of NESCA’s transition specialists, please complete our online intake form

NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton and Plainville, Massachusetts, Londonderry, New Hampshire, and Burlington, Vermont, serving clients from preschool through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email info@nesca-newton.com or call 617-658-9800.

Transition Assessment: What Are You Testing that Hasn’t Already been Tested?

By | Nesca Notes 2023

By: Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS
Director of Transition Services, NESCA

Transition planning is a complex process centered around helping students, typically who receive special education services, to set goals for their postsecondary adult lives and to engage in learning, services, and experiences that will help them to ultimately reach those goals. Assessment is a critical aspect of this process, both as a means for collecting baseline information about the student and measuring progress throughout the planning process. Transition planning is federally mandated for students at age 16. However, some states require schools to start the process earlier. For instance, transition planning is required as part of the IEP process for students turning age 14 in Massachusetts.

Transition assessment is therefore required in middle school or early high school for most students in the United States. By this point in time, students on IEPs have often participated in lots of testing. Students may have had academic testing, psychological evaluation, speech and language testing, occupational and physical therapy assessments, functional behavioral assessment, and even home or health assessments. They have participated in so much previous testing, that some parents or professionals may ask, “What could a transition specialist be testing that has not already been addressed through other evaluations?”

The answer is, “A lot!” There are many areas that can and should be evaluated as part of an informed transition planning process, but which are not frequently evaluated when creating earlier IEPs. This is because initial IEPs and early reevaluations focus on helping students to access education and school life, but transition planning is about helping students to develop necessary skills for accessing learning, living, community, and employment as an adult. The following tables are based on on the Transition Assessment Planning Form developed by the Transition Coalition at the University of Kansas in 2008. These highlight many areas of assessment that can and should be considered as part of a comprehensive transition assessment and planning process. These also indicate which areas have usually not been considered for evaluation prior to a thorough transition assessment process.

Please note that every student on an IEP is an individual with unique strengths and disability-related needs and so these tables are offered as a general picture of what has been observed at NESCA in the majority of cases. Additionally, while all of the areas above are considered as part of a comprehensive transition assessment and planning process, they may not need direct assessment depending on student profile, postsecondary goals, and existing evaluation or report data.

For more information about transition assessment and transition planning at NESCA, visit our transition services page and our transition FAQs.


About the Author
Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, is NESCA’s Director of Transition Services, overseeing planning, consultation, evaluation, coaching, case management, training and program development services. Ms. Challen also provides expert witness testimony in legal proceedings related to special education. She is also the Assistant Director of NESCA, working under Dr. Ann Helmus to support day-to-day operations of the practice. Ms. Challen began facilitating programs for children and adolescents with special needs in 2004. After receiving her Master’s Degree and Certificate of Advanced Study in Risk and Prevention Counseling from Harvard Graduate School of Education, Ms. Challen spent several years at the MGH Aspire Program where she founded an array of social, life and career skill development programs for teens and young adults with Asperger’s Syndrome and related profiles. She additionally worked at the Northeast Arc as Program Director for the Spotlight Program, a drama-based social pragmatics program, serving youth with a wide range of diagnoses and collaborating with several school districts to design in-house social skills and transition programs. Ms. Challen is co-author of the chapter “Technologies to Support Interventions for Social- Emotional Intelligence, Self-Awareness, Personality Style, and Self-Regulation” for the book Technology Tools for Students with Autism. She is also a proud mother of two energetic boys, ages six and three. While Ms. Challen has special expertise in supporting students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, she provides support to individuals with a wide range of developmental and learning abilities, including students with complex medical needs.

To schedule an appointment with one of NESCA’s transition specialists, please complete our online intake form

NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton and Plainville, Massachusetts, Londonderry, New Hampshire, and Burlington, Vermont, serving clients from preschool through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email info@nesca-newton.com or call 617-658-9800.

So, You Are Taking a Leave of Absence from College—Now What?

By | Nesca Notes 2023

By: Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS
Director of Transition Services; Transition Specialist, NESCA

Over three-quarters of college students (76%) reported moderate to severe psychological distress during the 2022-2023 school year (National College Health Assessment, American College Health Association, Spring 2023). College students across the country are continuing to struggle with depression, anxiety, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts this school year. My appointment calendar is often made up of meetings with college students or parents of college students beginning the process of taking a leave of absence and wondering what to do next. Here are some tips that I shared with many of these students and families.

Get Treatment

Many students need to participate in skill-based therapies (cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, exposure and response prevention, acceptance and commitment therapy, etc.) in order to build up coping skills that may not have been developed in high school. Depending on the severity of current mental health issues, a student may need to participate in an intensive inpatient or outpatient treatment. Ultimately, many students need to find a supportive outpatient therapist—ideally someone who will be able to continue treating the student if they plan to make a future college attempt.

Psychopharmacological intervention (i.e., medication) can be important to consider. Sometimes students have not been taking medications as prescribed or they are taking medications exactly as prescribed but not gaining the intended benefits. Consulting with a prescriber can be an important treatment step for determining whether medication, or medication changes, are necessary.

Get Exercise

For any student, having a regular routine for exercise, sleep, and healthy diet has an impact. However, this is even more critical for students who are vulnerable to anxiety and/or depression. Exercise does not have to start big. Walking (with or without the dog), hiking, or just moving along to a YouTube fitness video for 10 minutes a day will make a difference. It’s critical to schedule the exercise in and often easiest if this is part of a morning or evening routine. For some students, working with a personal trainer or attending scheduled classes helps with accountability. Using a wearable exercise tracker like a Fitbit, Garmin Watch, or Apple Watch can also help with motivation and consistency.

Get a Job

Over the past 25 years, we have seen a notable decrease in the number of high school students who have participated in paid employment. Many students went off to college without taking time to connect college participation with future career interests. Using time off from school to explore work preferences and build transferrable skills (and a resume) can help students experience efficacy and improve mood. As a college student, no one is particularly excited when you show up to class, and the professor certainly doesn’t depend on you in order to get their job done. However, as an employee, students can experience tangible success through accomplishing work activities, receiving gratitude from coworkers and supervisors, and earning money. Work can also provide an important social experience. This is also an historic time to be looking for a first or early career position in the American workforce. Entry-level workers can make good wages. and there are plenty of part-time job openings across industries. Moreover, it’s difficult to get fired right now because good help is truly hard to find.

For students who are not ready to commit to paid work, and need time to recover and build energies up, volunteer jobs are also good opportunities. Some students will do better with brief drop-in volunteer activities while others my want to schedule more routine work hours.

Consider Taking Classes

When students take a leave of absence from college, the assumption is that the student will want to return to a college experience. But many students take a leave of absence and determine that they do not want to go back to college or that they do not want to go back to the same college. If a student wants to keep up academic skills, they can audit or take one or more college courses during the spring semester (depending on their college’s policies and whether they are planning to return). Community colleges, state colleges, and part-time or online college programs (like Harvard Extension School) are good options to explore for classes of interest as a non-degree seeking student. Starting back with a class that is high interest or a low degree of difficulty can be helpful for students who need to rebuild confidence. Additionally, when students are unsure if they are going to return to college or uncertain of a potential future major, it can be good to try classes that are likely to transfer and generally meet basic liberal arts requirements.

Get a Coach

Some students with mental health issues have other underlying challenges that contributed to their struggles in college. There could be a learning disability that wasn’t appropriately being addressed with accommodations, executive function challenges that impacted keeping up with pace, or volume of academics, social challenges that were exacerbated by the highly social dorm environment, or other issues. It is important to consider whether there are skill deficits that may have contributed to a student experiencing anxiety or depression. Some students will benefit from life skills, executive function, or social coaching in order to build up areas that are weaker before heading back to college (or may want to continue with that coaching when they head back).

Other students may want to take time to work with a career or transition coach to do some self-exploration. Taking a step back to participate in self-assessment related to one’s preferences and interests and to determine how those align with potential college major and future career interests can be helpful. I have worked with several students on leave to go through a career planning process. For some, they discover that they chose exactly the right college and major, and that can increase motivation when they get back to school, with proper supports in place. For others, this process sets a student on a completely new path.

Let us know, in our online Intake Form, if your student needs support during their time off from school and/or coaching to assist during their time off or when they return to college.


About the Author
Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, is NESCA’s Director of Transition Services, overseeing planning, consultation, evaluation, coaching, case management, training and program development services. Ms. Challen also provides expert witness testimony in legal proceedings related to special education. She is also the Assistant Director of NESCA, working under Dr. Ann Helmus to support day-to-day operations of the practice. Ms. Challen began facilitating programs for children and adolescents with special needs in 2004. After receiving her Master’s Degree and Certificate of Advanced Study in Risk and Prevention Counseling from Harvard Graduate School of Education, Ms. Challen spent several years at the MGH Aspire Program where she founded an array of social, life and career skill development programs for teens and young adults with Asperger’s Syndrome and related profiles. She additionally worked at the Northeast Arc as Program Director for the Spotlight Program, a drama-based social pragmatics program, serving youth with a wide range of diagnoses and collaborating with several school districts to design in-house social skills and transition programs. Ms. Challen is co-author of the chapter “Technologies to Support Interventions for Social- Emotional Intelligence, Self-Awareness, Personality Style, and Self-Regulation” for the book Technology Tools for Students with Autism. She is also a proud mother of two energetic boys, ages six and three. While Ms. Challen has special expertise in supporting students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, she provides support to individuals with a wide range of developmental and learning abilities, including students with complex medical needs.


Neuropsychology & Education Services for Children & Adolescents (NESCA) is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Massachusetts, Plainville, Massachusetts, and Londonderry, New Hampshire, serving clients from preschool through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email info@nesca-newton.com, call 617-658-9800 or complete our online Intake Form.

Age of Majority: Preparing Students to Make Special Education Decisions as Adults

By | Nesca Notes 2023

By: Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS
Director of Transition Services, NESCA

One of the exciting aspects of being a transition specialist who evaluates and provides consultation to students and schools across the country is that transition services are dictated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004), a federal law. Students have similar rights across all 50 states regarding how their IEPs must prepare them for postsecondary learning, living, and employment experiences. However, there are additional rights and responsibilities related to special education that are dictated by state laws and regulations. Age of Majority and the Transfer of Rights to students is one of these issues that varies from state to state.

At the Age of Majority, or the age of legal adulthood, in each state, young adults are granted certain legal rights (e.g., voting, marrying, opening a credit card, signing contracts). Each state determines which rights will transfer to young adults within their state. IDEA 2004 gives states the right to transfer educational decision-making rights to students who have reached the Age of Majority—this means that all of the educational rights previously accorded to parents/guardians may transfer directly to the student. The Age of Majority is 18 in most, but not all, states.

In states that transfer educational rights at the Age of Majority, school districts are required to provide notice to parents and students ahead of time so that families are not surprised that the parents’ rights will transfer to the student. Additionally, at least one year before the student reaches the Age of Majority, the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) needs to include a statement indicating that the student was informed of their rights under IDEA.

There are exceptions to the Transfer of Rights when a student has been determined to be “incompetent” under state law—this often involves a parent/guardian taking partial or complete guardianship of the student. Students may alternatively have a Power of Attorney drawn up so that a parent can continue to represent their educational interests. States may also have their own processes for electing decision-making when the student reaches the Age of Majority. For example, in Massachusetts, students who have turned 18 are presented with a choice to take over decision-making, share decision-making with a parent or other willing adult, or delegate decision making to their parent or another willing third party; They sign a document indicating their elected choice on or after their 18th birthday.

There are many educational rights that a student may assume when they reach the Age of Majority. Some of these include receiving notice of IEP meetings, consenting to evaluation, placement, and/or an IEP, deciding to drop out of school, or deciding to accept a diploma and end eligibility for transition services. Parents and educators can help students prepare for the Age of Majority and Transfer of Rights ahead of time. Pacer’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment has put together a handout with tips for doing this important work. Some of the tips are included within my longer list of preparatory activities below:

  1. Start building choice-making and decision-making skills as young as possible.
  2. Teach students about the IEP process in elementary or middle school.
  3. Encourage students to observe and participate in IEP meetings.
  4. Allow students to invite preferred educators, family members, and community members to IEP meetings for support.
  5. Role-play IEP meetings prior to participation.
  6. Begin talking about Transfer of Rights when students first begin attending IEP meetings.
  7. Prior to reaching the Age of Majority, talk about how the student thinks they will want to make decisions across areas of life—What decisions do you want to make totally alone? What decisions do you want to make in collaboration with others? What decisions do you want other people to make for you?
  8. Help students to develop good working relationships with school personnel and team members.
  9. Stay involved in the IEP process even after a child reaches the Age of Majority—but allow the student to be the primary participant in the development of their IEP.

For parents or guardians who suspect that a child will not be competent to handle educational decision-making, it will be important to consult with clinical and legal experts well in advance of the child reaching the Age of Majority. It is also important to keep the IEP team informed regarding any legal proceedings or arrangements that may impact educational decision-making. With that said, many students who are not competent to manage complex medical or financial decisions can be strong participants in their educational processes and transition services. For tools that you can use to help educate students regarding the IEP process, please check out the video and document resources from imdetermined.org. For tools that you can use to explore decision-making and supported decision-making as students approach adulthood, please review these resources from Charting The Lifecourse.


About the Author
Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, is NESCA’s Director of Transition Services, overseeing planning, consultation, evaluation, coaching, case management, training and program development services. Ms. Challen also provides expert witness testimony in legal proceedings related to special education. She is also the Assistant Director of NESCA, working under Dr. Ann Helmus to support day-to-day operations of the practice. Ms. Challen began facilitating programs for children and adolescents with special needs in 2004. After receiving her Master’s Degree and Certificate of Advanced Study in Risk and Prevention Counseling from Harvard Graduate School of Education, Ms. Challen spent several years at the MGH Aspire Program where she founded an array of social, life and career skill development programs for teens and young adults with Asperger’s Syndrome and related profiles. She additionally worked at the Northeast Arc as Program Director for the Spotlight Program, a drama-based social pragmatics program, serving youth with a wide range of diagnoses and collaborating with several school districts to design in-house social skills and transition programs. Ms. Challen is co-author of the chapter “Technologies to Support Interventions for Social- Emotional Intelligence, Self-Awareness, Personality Style, and Self-Regulation” for the book Technology Tools for Students with Autism. She is also a proud mother of two energetic boys, ages six and three. While Ms. Challen has special expertise in supporting students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, she provides support to individuals with a wide range of developmental and learning abilities, including students with complex medical needs.


Neuropsychology & Education Services for Children & Adolescents (NESCA) is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Massachusetts, Plainville, Massachusetts, and Londonderry, New Hampshire, serving clients from preschool through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email info@nesca-newton.com, call 617-658-9800 or complete our online Intake Form.

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