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American Psychological Association (APA)

Image of flowers coming out of a person's head, symbolizing various mental health disorders/diagnoses

Understanding Diagnostic Labels

By | NESCA Notes 2024

Image of flowers coming out of a person's head, symbolizing various mental health disorders/diagnosesBy: Lauren Halladay, Ph.D.
Pediatric Neuropsychologist, NESCA

Throughout the evaluation process, many families express concern about the potential negative impacts of placing diagnostic labels on a child. Unfortunately, parental worries associated with stigmatization, as well as others making incorrect assumptions and placing inappropriate expectations on their child are common and valid. As such, it is reasonable to ask, “where does diagnostic labeling come from?”

In 1952, the first version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) was developed by the American Psychological Association (APA) as the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the United States. Since that time, several iterations of the DSM have been developed. Most recently, the DSM-IV- Text Revision (TR) was published (2022), in which sections of text describing diagnostic categories and associated features were revised based on new research. Hundreds of international experts in all aspects of mental health contributed to the development of the DSM, as well as adjustments to subsequent versions.

There are certainly benefits and drawbacks for making specific diagnoses, a few of which are detailed below:


Pros Cons
  • Provides a common language in an effort to help mental health and medical professionals communicate effectively.
  • May provide some relief to clients who come to find their symptoms are associated with a disorder that others also experience.
  • Helps guide providers in recommending appropriate treatment options based on diagnostic presentation.
  • May not fully account for contextual influences, such as ethnicity and culture on the development of psychopathology.
  • Potential for disagreements related to interpreting diagnostic criteria when trying to make diagnostic decisions.
  • Places individuals into “boxes,” which can lead to stigmatization.

Broadly, much of the neuropsychological evaluation process focuses on identifying how a child’s behavioral, emotional, and/or social functioning may be discrepant from that of their peers for the purpose of identifying appropriate treatment and educational services to support the child. Of equal importance is highlighting the child’s strengths, as well as understanding individual family values and cultural factors that may be contributing to a child’s presentation.

As neuropsychologists at NESCA, we take a holistic view of your child and consider multiple sources of information when answering referral questions, including information from parents, teachers, providers with whom the child has developed strong rapport, as well as our observations throughout the evaluation process. While we do refer to the DSM when making diagnoses, we pride ourselves on taking an incredibly individualized approach and high level of care when working with clients. Our goal is not to simply put your child in a “box” and send you on your way. We seek to understand your child’s symptoms and how they impact functioning across environments. We consider initial evaluations as the first step in your journey to fully understanding your child, treating the aspects of their presentation that you’d like to prioritize, and ultimately promoting their overall well-being and success.


About Lauren Halladay, Ph.D.

Dr. Halladay conducts comprehensive evaluations of toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged children with a wide range of developmental, behavioral, and emotional concerns. She particularly enjoys working with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and complex medical conditions. She has experience working in schools, as well as outpatient and inpatient hospital settings. She is passionate about optimizing outcomes for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities by providing evidence-based, family-oriented care.


If you are interested in booking an appointment for an evaluation with a Dr. Halladay or another NESCA neuropsychologist/clinician, please fill out and submit our online intake form


NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; the greater Burlington, Vermont region; and Brooklyn, New York (coaching services only) serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email info@nesca-newton.com or call 617-658-9800.

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