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emotional health

Educational Assessment – Measuring What We See and Understanding What Underlies

By | Nesca Notes 2023

By Angela Currie, Ph.D.
Pediatric Neuropsychologist; Londonderry, NH Director, NESCA

At NESCA, all neuropsychological evaluations from ages pre-k through young adult include assessment of academic skills, in addition to assessment of other domains, including intellectual, language, memory, attention, executive function, social, and emotional skills. Because learning is a primary “job” for any individual in this age range, it is important to understand how their unique profile of skills impacts their learning process as well as consider whether underlying learning issues may be impacting observed challenges with stress, inattention, etc.

Just because all evaluations include educational assessment, it does not mean that the battery of tests always looks the same. If that is so, what tests might you expect your child’s neuropsychologist to include?

First and foremost, when an evaluator is selecting tests, it is important to first consider whether learning is a specific area of concern. When caregivers and/or teachers are specifically concerned about reading, writing, and/or math, it is important to assess both the child’s achievement level as well as assess underlying reasons for any observed challenges. This can be thought of as assessing both functional (i.e., actual academic performance) and foundational (i.e., the underlying problems) skills. While understanding a student’s functional academic skills is critically important, giving insight into their day-to-day performance in school, if the foundational skills are not examined, then interventions are likely to be misinformed and ultimately less effective.

For example, a child may be referred for evaluation due to difficulties with reading, and perhaps there is a family history of dyslexia. For this child, the educational portion of the evaluation would consider four functional skill domains, including:

  • Decoding – ability to sound and blend together unfamiliar words
  • Sight word reading – ability to recognize whole words
  • Fluency – reading efficiency, or speed
  • Comprehension – understanding of written material

While information about the above functional reading skills may tell us a lot about how the child’s reading skills are presenting, the scores alone do not elucidate the underlying neurocognitive pattern that contributes to these scores. So, in addition to assessment of cognition, processing, and memory, the evaluation will also examine the following foundational skills for each domain:

This graph demonstrates that these skills build directionally – without having the underlying ability to hear sounds in words, appreciate what words look like “in your head,” quickly access information from memory, or understand meaning within language, then individual, functional reading skills will not develop as expected, and overall reading will be behind. Similar analysis can be done for writing, such as examining skills for language expression and retrieval, mechanics, grammar, and word forms. For those with math concerns, examination of applied problem solving, calculations, and fluency as functional skills is important, but so is examination of the foundational skills of orthography, retrieval, visual-motor integration, visual processing and imagery, and quantitative reasoning.

Even for those who are referred for neuropsychological evaluation for concerns that are not directly academic, it is still critical to assess reading, writing, and math achievement and efficiency (i.e., fluency) as key skills on which they rely for their “full time job” of learning. This is also important because many individuals with ADHD, anxiety, mood challenges, or other neurodivergence often experience challenges with executive function. Executive function is a set of cognitive and regulator skills that allow for efficient, goal-oriented problem solving and task completion. This includes skills such as planning, organizing, managing time, self-monitoring work process, and controlling impulses. With this, it is very common for individuals with such challenges to experience slow academic fluency or efficiency, despite strong achievement. Academic achievement scores are thus critical for informing the appropriateness of various academic accommodations, such as extended time for tests or accessing teacher notes.

Children, teens, and young adults spend much of their time learning – both in and out of the classroom. It is for this reason that, at NESCA, full consideration of their educational profile is considered to be a critical component of any neuropsychological assessment. We aim to understand what we see – the functional skills, or achievement ­– but we also aim to see the foundational needs so that interventions and accommodations can truly meet the student’s needs. More information about NESCA’s approach to neuropsychological assessment can be found on our website at


About the Author

Dr. Currie specializes in evaluating children, teens, and young adults with complex profiles, working to tease apart the various factors lending to their challenges, such as underlying learning, attentional, social, or emotional difficulties. She particularly enjoys working with the seemingly “unmotivated” child, as well as children who have “flown under the radar” for years due to their desire to succeed.


To book an evaluation with Dr. Currie or one of our many other expert neuropsychologists, complete NESCA’s online intake form. Indicate whether you are seeking an “evaluation” or “consultation” and your preferred clinician in the referral line.


NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham, Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; and staff in greater Burlington, Vermont and Brooklyn, New York, serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email or call 617-658-9800.

NESCA Goes to Brain Camp – Exploring the Connections among Brain Anatomy, Emotional Health, and Neuropsychology

By | Nesca Notes 2023

By Angela Currie, Ph.D.
Pediatric Neuropsychologist; NH Director, NESCA

For three days every July, students, clinicians, and researchers from around the country descend upon Milwaukee for Marquette University’s Neuroanatomical Dissection Course. This Marquette course is the only one in the world that provides a continuing education opportunity to learn about advances in neuroscience research while also engaging in hands-on brain dissection within the university’s gross anatomy lab. This past July, my NESCA colleague, Dr. Erin Gibbons, and I had the pleasure of being two of the participants.

Perhaps not unexpectedly, the lab components of the course were insightful and impactful. This included watching 3-D computer-aided brain maps within the visualization lab at the engineering school, as well as hands-on brain dissection of donor specimens, some of which presented with unique pathologies that had never been seen first-hand within the lab. Across the three days of the seminar, lectures covered a range of topics, such as neuroanatomy, how emotions function in the brain, and functional and neurological presentation of brain pathology. We also had the opportunity to select from a range of presentations that provided a “deep dive” into more specific topics. There was a host of information that directly speaks to our practice as pediatric neuropsychologists. That said, as someone who often works with clients who face depression, anxiety, and trauma, certain information stood out as most relevant to my daily practice.

First, there is an increasing amount of research indicating that early-onset (onset in childhood or adolescence), prolonged depression can significantly reduce the growth and volume of particular brain areas related to learning and memory; however, this negative impact can be ameliorated with antidepressant medication.1,2 Often times, when working with clients, families are understandably reticent about giving medication to their developing child. While individual response to treatment cannot be predicted, this research shows that, when appropriate to the client’s needs, medication can actually protect brain development, and thereby better support learning and memory over the lifespan.

Another topic that was covered was the impact of trauma on brain development and later self-regulation challenges and treatment response. As a clinician who often sees children with developmental, complex trauma, I am often in the position of explaining to families how trauma affects brain development. There is research to suggest that ongoing adversity early in childhood inhibits development in areas of the brain that manage inhibition, emotions, and processing, and this may contribute to later difficulties understanding emotion and modulating stress.3 While trauma may affect brain development in any child, there are also some children who appear to persist through adversity with lesser effect. There is research to suggest that this “resiliency” may not just be a personality characteristic, but may be a result of a larger, better-developed area of the brain that is thought to integrate emotional and cognitive information, allowing them to better manage emotional responses.4 Stronger development in this area can also predict better response to cognitive behavior therapy in older individuals with PTSD. 5 While it is not always clear what allowed those individuals to have stronger brain development, research shows that early treatment and access to social supports results in improved emotion processing and brain function in children with trauma, emphasizing neuroplasticity within the brain.6,7

The message that can be extracted from the above research is that the brain is highly vulnerable, but it can also be very resilient and adaptable. While our experiences and genetic vulnerabilities may present their challenges to neurological development, proper therapies, social supports, and medications can change a person’s developmental course and support long-term gains. Actually measuring brain volume and conducting imaging is not necessary for understanding how these factors present within an individual person. Instead, comprehensive assessment of their neurocognitive functioning, processing, learning, and social/emotional functioning can elucidate their resiliency factors, as well as targets for intervention. This is what we have always strived to do at NESCA, and now with the advantage of the Marquette Neuroanatomical Dissection Course, we can demonstrate how our clinical process, values, and goals are supported by current brain research.



  1. Schmaal, L., Veltman, D., van Erp, T. et al.(2016). Subcortical brain alterations in major depressive disorder: findings from the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder working group. Molecular Psychiatry, 21: 806–812.
  2. Sheline YI, Gado MH, Kraemer HC. (2003). Untreated depression and hippocampal volume loss. American Journal of Psychiatry,160(8):1516-1518. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.160.8.1516.
  3. Zhai ZW, Yip SW, Lacadie CM, Sinha R, Mayes LC, Potenza MN. (2019). Childhood trauma moderates inhibitory control and anterior cingulate cortex activation during stress. Neuroimage, 185:111-118. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.10.049.
  4. Stevens, JS, Ely, E.D., Sawamura, T., et al. (2013). Childhood maltreatment predicts inhibition-related activity in the rostral anterior cingulate in PTSD, but not trauma-exposed control. Depression and Anxiety, 33(7): 614-622.
  5. Bryant RA, Felmingham K, Whitford TJ, et al. (2008). Rostral anterior cingulate volume predicts treatment response to cognitive-behavioural therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 2008, 33(2):142-6. PMID: 18330460.
  6. Wymbs, NF, Orr, C, Albaugh, MD, et al. (2020). Social supports moderate the effects of child adversity on neural correlates of threat processing. Child Abuse & Neglect, 102: 104413.
  7. Garrett A, Cohen JA, Zack S, C, et al. (2019). Longitudinal changes in brain function associated with symptom improvement in youth with PTSD. Journal of Psychiatric Research,114:161-169. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2019.04.021.


About the Author

Dr. Currie specializes in evaluating children, teens, and young adults with complex profiles, working to tease apart the various factors lending to their challenges, such as underlying learning, attentional, social, or emotional difficulties. She particularly enjoys working with the seemingly “unmotivated” child, as well as children who have “flown under the radar” for years due to their desire to succeed.


To book an evaluation with Dr. Currie or one of our many other expert neuropsychologists, complete NESCA’s online intake form. Indicate whether you are seeking an “evaluation” or “consultation” and your preferred clinician in the referral line.


NESCA is a pediatric neuropsychology practice and integrative treatment center with offices in Newton, Plainville, and Hingham (coming soon), Massachusetts; Londonderry, New Hampshire; and the greater Burlington, Vermont region, serving clients from infancy through young adulthood and their families. For more information, please email or call 617-658-9800.